Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Alumina and Anthracinum


Constipation of sucklings; in children on artificial food, or bottle fed babies. Passes stool easily when standing (Caust.). Craving for indigestible things, coarse food. Stool like sheep dung; difficult though soft. Potatoes disagree. WORSE : on alternate days : during full and new moon.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Apis and Argentum Metallicum


Aggr. from all forms of heat, even heat of bed. Thirst less-ness in nearly all complaints. Pains burning and stinging. Scanty urine. Oedematous bag-like puffy swelling under the eyes (over the eyes : Kali.c). Urticaria, large, rose-red, amel. cold applications.

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