Modern Medicine: Why Stress?

Family Background and Rearing up Pattern

A particular culture exists in each family where there are certain norms, rules and customs which everybody, in the family, is expected and supposed to comply with. As is well known, family is the eternal home of almost all civic virtues and also charity also begins at home; hence family’s living pattern cannot be easily by-passed by any individual. When too much of latitude is granted, there won’t be any problem but when restrictions are applied, an attempt is made to enforce discipline, a (silent) revolt is likely to brew up which gives vent to unpleasant situations, though not always.

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Modern Medicine: Useful Formulations for Stress Related Treatment – Ginseng

Trend to blend Ayurvedic and Unani herbs and other ingredients, called traditional medicines, is fast catching up. Such herbs have stood the test, not only of time but of people’s and pharmaceutical companies interest also. There is no harm in blending vitamins, minerals etc. with traditional herbs -better in powder or extract from. India, China, Egypt, Tibet, Japan and other countries of yellow race have been using certain herbs to get rid of even inveterate and intractable disorders since long.’ GINSENG’ is a leading herb out of the list of such medicines.

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Modern Medicine: What Accounts for a Stressful Situation?

1. Childhood memory and bitter experiences
2. Fam i ly cul ture and pattern
3. Family background and Habits
4. Incompatible marriage and nagging and dominant partner
5. Sexual dysfunction and infidelity
6. Chronic Physical illness and permanent infirmity
7. Stressful events of life and Retirement
8. Social Isolation and lack of interaction.
9. Speech disorders
10. Mood changes and behavioural disorders
11. Hallucinations. fixed thoughts
12. Eroded Cognitive functions
13. Abnormal beliefs
14. Religious rituals and social constraints
15. Uncongenial-work culture and job-related problems
16. Financial ruin and sudden losses.
17. Phobias
18. Alcoholism and Alcohol withdrawal
19. Use of Narcotic Drugs and withdrawal (including drug dependency)
20. Pessimistic and Negative approach to life.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Tension Headache

Headache caused by tension is ofthe commonest form. The pain is generally constant, tight, dull, a pressure or a feeling of band around the head or pressure at vertex. There is no definite periodicity marked but may continue for weeks or even months, without interruption. It is different from migraine and also carries no symptoms of photopobia/vomiting. The severity and intensity may vary from patient to patient. The symptoms arc far less severe when he is occupied with work (but not burdened) but when free, impact is likely to be felt more severely, though normal pattern of activity is not interfered with.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Eyes Diseases

Of all the organs of human body, eye is the most sensitive, tender organ which enables us to see this world. But, sadly, such an important organ is neither Cared for looked after. We rush to the doctor when the problem has assumed alarming and Complicated Condition. Factors that Cause various eye disorders may be summed up as follows:

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Ear Diseases

Ears are the organs through which sound is heard. As a rule nothing should be pricked and probed into the ear when there is pain, swelling, redness, discharge of pus/blood, hard of hearing, ear-wax accumulation or any other infective symptom. Ear is directly Connected with brain.

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Modern Medicine: Common Diseases in Children

An infant is a child under one year of age, also the one who is incapable of any form of independence from its mother. The term ‘infant’ is also used for a premature or newborn child. But, in legal parlance, the term denotes ‘a child up to the age of 7 years’.

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Modern Medicine: Anti Allergic and Anti-inflammatory Eye Preparations Indications:- Allergy and inflammation

Contra-indications:- Fungal infections. Glaucoma, Viral, tuberculous or purulent infections. Hypersensitivity to the ingredient.
Caution:- Continuous use may result in glaucoma, Cataract, fungal infections, perforation. Do not use in pregnancy and for children.
Side-effect:- Headache, transient irritation, perforation, raised intraocular pressure.
Dosage:- 1-2 drops into the affected eye (S) 1-2 hours or as directed by the physician.
Do not use without medical advice.
Brands:- Allocort, Arlisolon, Alrochlor-D, Atrocin, Bell diono Resolvent, Bell Solvent, Bellmycetin, Betnesol (Eye), Betnesol-N, Betnor Eye, Calodin, Cation, Cato-Bell, Chloramsone, Chlorocol-D, Chlorocort applicaps, Cortecyclin, Cortola-M, Decdan-Eye, Decol-c/n, I )e\ona, Dexosyn-N/c, Genticyn, Inmecin, lodex, Minidex, Mycidcx, Pino-Cort, Pyricort, Pyrimon, Sofracort, Solodex, Solodex-J, Sulpha-PH, Lodex,

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Modern Medicine: Anti-infective Eye Preparations

Sulphaetammde Sodium Eye-Drops

These are commonly used to treat trachoma, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, iritis, Corneal ulcer, ophthalmia of the new-born, injury of eyes, as prophylaxis of ocular infections after injuries/ Burns, Pre/Post operative surgery.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity
Special Precautions Do not touch dropper/Tip and discontinue use of irritation persists
Dosage 1-2 drops 3-4 times daily
Brands Abbucid’, optisol, phenosulf, sulfaren, Locula, Chlormide,Andremide, Bleph, Syncula, Zinco-Sulpha, Setride, Cellumide eye drops

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