Modern Medicine: Treatment for Herpes Simplex and Herpes Loster

This Condition manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the skin and is characterced by appearance of small lobsters – Caused by Viruses. Herpes simplex (Called Cold Sore also) Can cause acute conjunctivitis or even inflammation of Vagina or mouth, though same people contract the virus even without showing any symptoms.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Arthritis, Osteo-Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Rheumatism

It is a disordered Condition when there is inflamation of one or more joints, Characterised by pain, redness, swelling and heat with restricted motion, Harrison says that over 80 diseases may cause arthritis including rhematoid arthritis (R.A), gout, osteoarthritis, tuberculosis and other infections. Exact diagnosis is assested by examination of the pattern of affected joints, x-rays, examination of synovial fluid by aspiration of a swollien joint. Any disease that involves synovial membrane(s) can cause degeneration ofthe cartilage and resultant arthritis. Cervical / lumbar spondylites/spondylosis, pain in wrist, shoulder (frozen shoulder), elbow (Tennis elbow), Hips, knees, ankles, feet etc are simply varied forms of arthritis

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Pruritis (Intense itching)

Pruritis is actually itching, Caused by local irritation of the skin or, at times, due to Nervous disorders also (“Severe itching is a symptom of same forms of Jaundice”-1 larrision). In women, pruritis of the vulva is caused by some vaginal infection or yeast organisms that usually flourish in diabetes (especially when there is sugar in the urine. Piles, intestinal worms, poor hygiene may cause anal pruritis. Pruritis on and around genitals, armpits or other hairy parts may be caused by sweating, diabetes, leuccorrheal flow or use of synthetic garments.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Cervical Spondylitis

This a painful condition of the neck when there is an acute pain while turning, bending the neck forward, backwards sideways the problem arises due to narrowed gap in the cervical verterbrea. In addition to pain, while moving the neck, there is cricking sound, and stiffness. As a result of all such symptoms, the pain may radiate to shoulders, shoulders blades, either or both the arms, in condition to nausea, headache and vertigo – though all these symptoms may not manifest in some patients.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Nervous Disorders

In Allopathy, there are brand names and generic names-out of which brands are simply the trade names used by drug manufacturing companies, and they are known and popular in the market by those very names, but the latter indicate the acutual constituent (s) or ingredient (s) from which a drug has been processed. Readers are liable to get confused by different brands introduced in the market by pharmaceutical companies but, as far generic names are concerned, there is no occasion for confusion, though no reader is expected to know the ingredient(s), from which a particular drug has been processed.


It is wrong to conclude that medicines have no side effects and also whatever dose is taken will meet a particular situation in a specific disorder. Let it be fully understood that each medicine has its own side-effects which only a doctor knows. Further, certain drugs (medicines) when combined or alternated with other medicines enhance and / or reduce effect of the main drug but, in other cases, those also offset or damage the effectivity also,

symptoms do not correspond or when two or more drugs create adverse symptoms or reactions. For instance, pain-killers are aided with muscle relaxants and/or transquilisers/sedatives, One has to be extra cautious while using steroids, because they are given for a specific period within/after which the dosage is required to be gradually tapered. Certain drugs and groups are contra-indicated in particular disorders, for instance corticostriods are not given to diabetics. Similarly, tetracylin group is not combined with antacids.

Some drugs are meant to be used for a specific disorder and required to run a full prescribed course-as is the case with antibiotics and anti-tubercular drugs. If the treatment is left in-between, the patient has to start the course afresh.

As for dosage, each case and its state of malady has to be individualised, for the simple reason that dosage and repetition or frequency of the dose will be determined according to age, sex and the stage at which a particular disorder has reached. For example, in case of infants, children, adults, pregnant ladies, old persons and terminal cases, acute or chronic cases, dosage and frequency will naturally vary in each case.

Some drugs are prescribed only after relevant and requisite clinical tests have been carried out, as is in the case of diabetes, etc. Clinical investigations/tests form the basis for use of specific drugs in certain ailments. There is no harm if a doctor becomes more precise after he’ knows what clinical tests are required.

Modern investigation revolve, around blood and urine tests, stool examination, urine culture, sputum test, x-rays, ultra-sound, cat-scan, M.R.I etc. Modern diagnostic devices help a lot in arriving at a particular decision as to at which stage a disease has reached and also which medicine would suit best under the circumstances. Despite all the advances made in diagnostic methods and the research work carried in the field of new medicines, there is every reason to feel assured that some day some proven and tested drug will be brought to limelight that would cure ‘incurable’ diseases like Cancer, Aids etc.

Finally, if you suffer from any disorder, at once consult your doctor.

Modern Medicine: Antidepressants

Generic names, in this group, include Imimpramine, Nortriptyline, Fluoxetine FICL, Amineptina, Doxepin, Dothiepin Hcl, Trimipramene, Mianserin, Trazodone, Penfluridol, Flupenthixol, Decanoate, These drugs are used for anxiety-depression syndrome, nocturanal enuresis, manic depressive psychosis, Neurotic, endogenous, reactive, involutional or masked depressive illness, depression in alcohol, mood elevation, pseudo dementia of depression origin, chronic alcoholism, phobic states, schizophrenia.

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Modern Medicine: Natural Tranquilizers

Nevromine: (Brand Name)

It is a unique combination of two Nervine regulators of vegetable origin and a well tried sedative of chemical origin. Drug-combination is quite useful in allaying stress and strain of modern life, disturbances, worries, emotional shock, moral pre-occupations-and these and many other co-incidental disorders combine together to disturb a person’s life pattern. The drug combination also gives mild sedative action. Many physicians consider such drugs as having none or simply minimal side-effects, if at all. The combination acts on and is quite useful in Cardiac Neurosis, Gastro-intestinal neurosis and psychoneurosis.

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Modern Medicine: Drugs for Treating Migraine

Ergotamine : It should be used where ordinary analgesics prove ineffective. When, given at the initial stage, it will affect dramatically, even in lower doses. The drug is a potent vasoconstrictor and should be used in managing acute migraine, but not for prophylaxis (preventional purposes). The drug must not be given during any stage of pregnancy. It is useful in migraine, vascular and cluster forms headaches.

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