Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Appetite, Thirst Cravings/Aversions

Argentum nit. – Craves sugar which disagrees. Desire for cheese. Loss of appetite. Eating amel nausea but agg. stomach pain.

Ars. Alb. – Cannot bear the sight, smell or thought of food unquenchable, burning thirst. Desires little and often. Desires ice cold water which distresses the stomach and is vomited immediately Vomiting and purging from food poisoning.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma (Difficult Breathing)

Antimonium tart. – Suffocative shortness of breath from great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling and inability to raise it (Rer. I pec) especially in children, and old people. Must sit up to breathe or cough. Worse lying. Child bends backwards with cough. Asphyxia of newborn. Child breathless and pale when born.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Backache

Cocculus ind. – Spinal weakness: Paralytic pain in the lumber region, i.e. small of the back. Worse by walking. Weak neck; cannot hold up head.

Conium – Cannot turn over in bed without being dizzy. Useful when backache is due to bruises and shocks in the spine.

Ferrum met – Lumbago all night; goes off when rising.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Constipation

Alumina – Even a soft stool is passed with difficulty. Stool sheep-dung like. Has to strain at stool. Constipation of sucklings and old people. Can only pass stool when standing (Caust).

Bryonia – Stool large, dry very hard as if burnt. Lumps of tough mucus after stools.

Causticum – Constipation with frequent ineffectual urging. Stool hard, tough covered with mucus. Partial paralysis of rectum. Stool passes easily when standing (Alum.).

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Pain in Deltoid Muscles (Frozen Shoulder), Colds, Coryza, Sneezing


Ferrum met. – Rheumatic pain in the left deltoid muscles with inability to move the arm or fingers.

Sanguinaria – Cutting pain or stiffness in right deltoid muscle (Colo.), worse raising or turning the arm. Rheumatism of right shoulder and left hip joint. Pain in shoulder worse at night.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Cough and Expectoration

Aconite – Constant, short dry cough with a feeling of suffocation which increases with every respiration. Wakes him from sleep. Restlessness. Comes suddenly after exposure to cold dry winds.

Belladonna – Child begins to cry immediately before cough comes on. Tickling burning in larynx with violent paroxysms. The typical Bell, patient is red, and burning hot, with dilated pupils.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Bed Sores, Bites, Stings and Burns


Calendula & Arnica – Bathe the parts with water to which a few drops of Calendula mother tinctare have been added. Keep the bed-sore covered with this wet pack (of Calendula). Also administer Arnica 30th or 200th internally. Indications : great soreness of parts.

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