Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety, Sadness, Depression and Hypochondriasis


Ars. alb. – Intense anxiety with restlessness, which drives him from place to place. Fear of something terrible going to happen. Very chilly; very fastidious. Fault-finding.

Gelsemium – Anticipatory anxiety before examination.Stage fright of singers and speakers. Timidity appearing in public. Dread of falling; of ordeals. Child grasps the nurse, and screams as if afraid of failing.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Fear, Arrogance, Pride, Obstinate and Headstrong


Aconite – Terror, anxiety, agonising fear. Remote effects of fright. Ailments from shock, fright, exposure to cold dry winds. Predicts the day of his death.

Gelsemium – Bad effects of great fright or fear. Anticipation of ordeals brings on diarrhoea (Arg.nit). Fear of falling. Diarrhoea from fright, bad news.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Tonsils

Apis – Tonsile swollen, fiery red, stinging pain while swallowing; better from cold drinks.

Belladonna – Tonsils enlarged. Tonsillitis worse right side. Swallowing difficult; drinks in sips. Must take a drink to swallow solid food.

Baryta carb. – Enlarged tonsils, affected by every cold. Chronic quinsy. Pain in throat worse empty swallowing. Can swallow only liquids

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Sleeplessness

Belladonna – Sleepy but cannot sleep. Frightful dreams and quarrels. Sleepiness daytime.

Bryonia – Sleepless before midnight from cares and worries about business of today.

Chamomilla – Sleeplessness of those who lie awake on account of severe pain such as neuralgia. Dentition during.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Urinary Complaints

Apis – Burning urination. Dysuria with stinging pains. Urine Scanty, high coloured; last drops burn and smart; albuminuria. Incontinence of urine at night. Retention of urine in new born.

Arsenicum – Dysuria. Retention of urine as if bladder were paralysed, after parturition. Urine scanty, burning involuntary.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Vertigo

Belladonna – Vertigo on stooping and on rising from stooping; on every change of position, like turning in bed. During headache. Sensitive to drafts of air.

Bryonia – Aggravation from any motion, and corresponding relief from absolute rest, either mental or physical. Vertigo as if turning in circle.

Cocculus – Vertigo as if intoxicated with nausea. Worse from loss of sleep, or when rising from bed. Lying down necessary.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Vomiting

Aethusa – Violent sudden vomiting of milk as soon as swallowed or in large curds.Hungry after vomiting. Limpness and deep sleep after vomiting. Deathly nausea.

Antim crud. – Vomiting agg after eating or drinking, without nausea or relief. Child vomits milk in curds after nursing and refuses to nurse afterwards, (reverse Aethusa). Vomiting, fearful with convulsions, which nothing can stop.

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