Music Therapy: Nada Yoga – The Yoga of Sound

Nada Yoga means “union through sound”. It is the ancient spiritual art and science of inner transformation through sound and tone. Meditation on sound is one universal path to Self-Realization, accessible to anyone, and appropriate for people of any religion or spiritual aspiration.

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Music Therapy: Applying Self-Generated Sound in Yoga

Marcia Goldberg has led workshops and trainings on Yoga, meditation, spiritual attunement and self-discipline throughout North America for more than 20 years. The unique combination of sound and postures that she has developed combines her many years of personal experience and study in the field of Yoga with the science of the power of sound.

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Music Therapy: The Connection of Sound and Spirit

Breathing is a basic human need. We can exist only minutes without breath. And so the arts of Pranayama, chanting, toning, and singing all derive their power from a basic and elemental human function. “I love this connection of sound and spirit: by uniting sound and breath, we release physiological tension in specific areas, induce relaxation, energize and promote deep breathing with prolonged exhalations.

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Music Therapy: The Healing Aspects of Toning

The voice has a tremendous ability to be an instrument for healing. Pythagoras recognized the considerable therapeutic power of human speech. He treated diseases through the reading of poetry. He taught his students how a skilful, well-modulated voice, with beautiful words and pleasing meter, could restore balance to the body and soul.

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Music Therapy: Music, the Foetus and Vedic Chanting

There is enormous research globally on the effect of structured sound on the unborn child. It has been proved that the fetus responds to sound from the 24th week of pregnancy. While sounds are greatly altered as they pass from the outside world to the ear of the fetus, there is more than sufficient stimulation to be heard in the womb.

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