Cancer Treatment: Harmones and Cancer

Cancer of the prostate in men and of the breast in women can be greatly relieved by the removal of the testes and ovaries, respectively, in these patients, or by the removal of adrenal glands which are a secondary source of sex hormones in both sexes. Besides this, administration of counter-hormones (estrogens in males and androgens in females) in such cases also effects a marked improvement.

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Cancer Treatment: X-Rays, Radioactive Substances and Solar Radiation

During the nineteenth century, among the mine workers of the Schneeberg and Jachymov mines, now in Czechoslovakia, cases of lung cancer were detected in greater frequency than in the surrounding areas. It was later found out that these mines contained various radioactive substances which were the cause of cancer.

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Cancer Treatment: Tips for Early Detection of Cancer

Early detection of cancer is vital to its successful treatment. In order to do so, there are some symptoms and some risk factors which if present in a patient should arouse the suspicion of the disease. He should then consult urgently his physician or a specialist. The symptoms and risk factors are as follows:

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Cancer Treatment: Immune Deficiency Can Cause Cancer

Transformation of normal cells into cancer cells in the body, is not a rare event. But the body’s defence or immunologic cells—lymphocytes and macrophages—at once recognise these abnormal cells and kill them before they get divided and subdivided into many more.

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Cancer Treatment: Genetic and Personal Factors

Among the genetic and personal factors age, sex, race, marital status, etc. have much to do about the prevalence of cancer.


The prevalence of cancer increases with age. Man is particularly vulnerable after the age of 50. It is not certain whether this is due to a) the changes in the body due to the ageing process, b) a long incubation period of cancer or c) long exposure to a carcinogen or cancer causing substance.

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Cancer Treatment: Urine Test to Diagnose Cancer

Urine passed into a clean vessel is suitable for routine urine testing. Special me hods of collection designed to reduce contamination are desirable for microscopic examination, and essential for bacteriological examination. The urine should be examined physically, chemically, microscopically and bacteriologically.

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