How to Lose Weight: What is intelligent reducing and guide to sensible eating all about?

“I’ve been on every diet known to man ” complained priest and principal Father Gregory Lobo ” and I succeeded on all of them. It’s not that I don’t manage to get down to my “target weight”. It’s just that I never manage to stay there long enough to find out how good it feels.”

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How to Lose Weight: Why is SOYABEAN considered a Health Food?

‘Soyabean’ – the “miracle golden bean” – may be considered as king of pulses. It is a pulse having a wealth of nutrition. Nutritionally, there is no other food that compares with it. It is the only vegetable that gives complete protein. Being rich in all food essentials and containing proteins of the highest value it successfully replaces or entirely surpasses meat, fish, eggs, cheese, buttermilk and to all of which it is, in fact, superior in many ways.

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How to Lose Weight: Can I eat plenty on The Balanced-Nutrient Diet?

One of the first questions patients at my clinic ask is “Will I get enough to eat?” I’m happy to report that on The Balanced-Nutrient Diet you’ll be able to eat heartily while reducing excess body fat. One of the secrets of the success of The Balanced-Nutrient Diet is the high fibre and water content of the delicious natural foods you’ll be allowed to eat. Natural foods brimming with essential nutrients are wonderfully tasty, and their fibre content so high that they are completely satisfying. Furthermore the great variety of flavours found in foods supplied by nature will make eating refreshing as well as delightfully pleasurable.

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How to Lose Weight: I constantly feel hungry more so between meals, so I simply eat. I have no will power. What should I do to lose weight ?

Let us first understand what hunger really is? Hunger and appetite (discussed later) are two terms closely associated with food. Hunger is generated by the digestive system as a demand for food and manifests itself in the form of hunger contractions of the stomach or by saliva secretion in the mouth. A delay in eating begins to produce the unpleasant symptoms of hunger. The physical sensation of hunger increases irritability. There is physical pain in the stomach commonly and energy decreases.

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How to Lose Weight: Is it alright if I overeat foods included in The Balanced-Nutrient Diet?



If you tend to overeat, it is helpful to understand the physiology behind overeating. The inner lining of our intestines is made up of microscopic filaments called villi. These villi or filaments can be easily clogged by the waste products of foods that are eaten in excess of what our bodies can metabolize and utilize efficiently. If the tiny villi or filaments through which nutrients are absorbed are clogged, no matter how much we eat our bodies are not nourished. When no nutrients are being absorbed as a result of clogging, the body sets off an alarm that it has not been fed, and even though we have just eaten, we want to eat more.

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How to Lose Weight: Will dining out in restaurants wreck my reducing programme?

No. Dining out in restaurants need not wreck a reducing programme. When you go to a restaurant take time over the menu. Select what you want, order that and no more. There is a handy, simple formula to help you select a fine reducers meal from any restaurant menu. It goes like this :

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How to Lose Weight: I am a working person. Do you have suggestions to help me with my lunch-box?

There are many nutritious foods that you can pack in a lunch box. You can choose from such foods such as chicken, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, sprouted mung or beans, all kinds of vegetables, whole grain chapatties or bread, yogurt , fruits and so on. Just make sure that the foods are fresh and natural and cooked with minimum oil. Try to include something from each of the basic four food groups. Foods from :

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How to Lose Weight: What is appetite? Do you have any special suggestions to control appetite and yet lose excess weight?

Appetite like hunger ( discussed earlier), is closely associated with food. Appetite is a complex of sensations which makes one look forward with a degree of pleasure to eating. Appetite is psychologically related and depends on a person’s knowledge about food and its colour, smell, taste etc. In short, we think of appetite in a pleasurable way.

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How to Lose Weight: Could you make some suggestions to make excess weight off permanently?

Following are certain suggestions listed to help you to maintain your ideal weight and keep weight off permanently.

It is always good to exercise whether you’re overweight or not. A nutritionist Jean Mayer claims that moderate exercise actually depresses the appetite. Research has demonstrated that sedentary people tend to eat more than physically active people. Therefore inactivity combined with overeating, is sure to result in a build-up of body fat.

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