As written earlier, allergy is of different types depending on the mechanism of action and the offending agent (allergen). For a layman it will be easier to comprehend if allergy is classified based on the causative agent. Thus the types of allergy may be classified as given below:-
Category: Allergy Cure
Allergy Cure: What is Allergy?
When we mention the word “Allergy”, majority of people correlate it with “Aachoo” – sneezing, running nose, watering of eyes, cough, etc. Some people think of allergy to medicines like Penicillin, Sulfa drugs, etc. and others connect it to food substances like milk, meat, cheese, etc.
Allergy Cure: Effects of Allergy on the Body
Dust Allergy
Dust allergy refers to allergic symptoms caused by airborne particles in our environment like pollen grains, house dust, cockroach and insect parts, fungi and moulds, indoor and outdoor smoke, fumes and other pollutants, climatic changes and viruses and bacteria.
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Allergy Cure: Complications of Allergy
Allergy is also associated with several complications which may adversely affect the body of the patients. Children are more affected by complications due to their poor immunity and this also affects their school attendance and performance. Complications are also classified according to the type of allergy for better understanding of the subject.
Allergy Cure: Signs and Symptoms of Allergy
Allergy is a very complicated condition and is still not .understood completely. The signs and symptoms are often related to the type of allergy and at times may be vague and hard to believe. Each type of allergy is explained with the help of case studies.
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Allergy Cure: Diagnostic Tools for Detecting Allergy
Since allergy is a very complicated and multifaceted disease, its diagnosis also involves a multipronged approach. It is based on a combination of history, signs and symptoms, laboratory tests and special tests for allergy.
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Allergy Cure: Role of Changes in Diet and Lifestyle in the Treatment
Diet and our daily activities and lifestyle have an important bearing on the symptoms and control of allergy. The conservative management of allergy includes changes in the diet and lifestyle of the individual.
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Allergy Cure: Effects of Seasonal Changes on Allergy
Climate plays a large role in causing allergy. The interaction of temperature, humidity and barometric pressure is important in causing or increasing the symptoms of allergy. It appears that allergic diseases, especially asthma, tend to be adversely affected by high humidity, by sudden temperature changes (particularly from warm to cold) and by drops in the barometric pressure.
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Allergy Cure: Yoga to Treat Allergy
What is Yoga
Yoga is an ancient Indian technique of integrating human personality at the physical, mental, moral and intellectual levels.
Allergy Cure: Conventional or Allopathic Treatment
Treatment of allergy by the modern system of medicine involves a systematic and multifaceted approach. It varies according to the type of allergy as well as the individual involved and severity of the disease. For a better understanding of the treatment, the following measures can be outlined:-
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