Aromatherapy: Influences in Blending Oils

Like any other discipline, whether creative, scientific, mechanical, athletic, or within the bounds of any other classification, aromatherapy practice is founded on some basic guiding principles and techniques.

The art of blending essential oils for the optimum results in the pursuit of a desired effect has certain features unique unto itself.

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Aromatherapy: Magical Association for Male and Female

If we consider the many oils available that may be employed in a blend designed to a given purpose, the process of choosing the right oils in each specific endeavor may seem overwhelming. However, taken in steps, it becomes a much simpler procedure; essentially, a process of elimination. Initially, we will note the most general category: that of gender correspondence.

Like much that exists in nature, oils innately have a female or male nature to them. Basically, the male scent is one that is more aggressive in its action, while the female scent is more passive. The male scent is more physical, and the female more emotional and intuitive.

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Aromatherapy: Planets and Their Properties

The Sun is the planet of self-expression. It rules vitality, health, creativity, fatherhood, children, and self-empowerment. It is associated with the heart and the spinal column.

The Moon is an influence of the subconscious. It is the planet of instinctive response, emotion, imagination, psychic development, home, family, motherhood, and birth. The stomach, digestive system, and breasts (especially female) are under the Moon’s control. The Sun and Moon are as the father and mother of the planetary influences. The Sun embraces the patriarchal principle, and the Moon is the matriarchal.

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Aromatherapy: Planets and Signs

Most magical associations can be examined in basic terms of the astrological planets and signs of the zodiac.

Each day of the week has an associated, or ruling, planet. The influences of the particular day are not unlike those of its planetary ruler.

Monday, for instance, is ruled by Mercury. The winged messenger rules communication, intelligence, travel, writing, the conscious mind, and learning. These, then, are the same influences as would be ascribed to a day of the week.

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Aromatherapy: Gods and Goddesses

One of the methods of completing a successful operation of magic is to enlist the aid of divine forces. In addition to their inherent properties, many essential oils take on a special association with a particular god or goddess from the mythology of different cultures.

The use of a scent sacred to the particular divinity invoked for a rite does honor to the divine personage and may be an excellent way to gain his or her favor over the magical quest. The same principle of seeking the favor of outside agents in magic may apply equally in the case of demigods, cultural heroes, and honored ancestors.

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Aromatherapy: Elemental Association

To the astrologer, the signs are seen as being grouped by elemental association. The specific rulerships of the signs offer some insight into the more widely encompassing associations of elemental influence. Generally, the four cardinal elements can be divided into their own areas of control. It can be readily seen how the planets and signs fit into these general categories of influence.

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Aromatherapy: Signs and Their Properties

Further defining the planets are the signs of the zodiac. Each of the twelve signs is ruled by a governing planetary body. These appear below, along with their planetary ruler.

The influence of the associated planet to each sign is clearly apparent in the type of characteristics traditionally associated with each sign.

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Aromatherapy: Cultural Considerations

Some fragrances are rooted deeply into a particular culture or a particular magical tradition. While some examples of this may be seen through connections to various gods and goddesses or through the mythology and folklore of a specific country or geographic area, others that are commonplace in certain practices may never appear in the local legendry.

These scents gain a place of extreme importance within their designated cultures through popular usage.

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Aromatherapy: Fragrance in Use

While most of the basic principles have been addressed within the body of this text, there is still the business of translating these concepts into reality. Between the introduction of the workings of aromatherapy, the charts and tables of magical influences, the narration of possible application, and the example formulas, there is a solid basis for a beginning or expansion of an aromatherapy practice.

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