Modern Medicine: Treatment for Ear Diseases

Ears are the organs through which sound is heard. As a rule nothing should be pricked and probed into the ear when there is pain, swelling, redness, discharge of pus/blood, hard of hearing, ear-wax accumulation or any other infective symptom. Ear is directly Connected with brain.

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Modern Medicine: Common Diseases in Children

An infant is a child under one year of age, also the one who is incapable of any form of independence from its mother. The term ‘infant’ is also used for a premature or newborn child. But, in legal parlance, the term denotes ‘a child up to the age of 7 years’.

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Modern Medicine: Anti Allergic and Anti-inflammatory Eye Preparations Indications:- Allergy and inflammation

Contra-indications:- Fungal infections. Glaucoma, Viral, tuberculous or purulent infections. Hypersensitivity to the ingredient.
Caution:- Continuous use may result in glaucoma, Cataract, fungal infections, perforation. Do not use in pregnancy and for children.
Side-effect:- Headache, transient irritation, perforation, raised intraocular pressure.
Dosage:- 1-2 drops into the affected eye (S) 1-2 hours or as directed by the physician.
Do not use without medical advice.
Brands:- Allocort, Arlisolon, Alrochlor-D, Atrocin, Bell diono Resolvent, Bell Solvent, Bellmycetin, Betnesol (Eye), Betnesol-N, Betnor Eye, Calodin, Cation, Cato-Bell, Chloramsone, Chlorocol-D, Chlorocort applicaps, Cortecyclin, Cortola-M, Decdan-Eye, Decol-c/n, I )e\ona, Dexosyn-N/c, Genticyn, Inmecin, lodex, Minidex, Mycidcx, Pino-Cort, Pyricort, Pyrimon, Sofracort, Solodex, Solodex-J, Sulpha-PH, Lodex,

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Modern Medicine: Anti-infective Eye Preparations

Sulphaetammde Sodium Eye-Drops

These are commonly used to treat trachoma, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, iritis, Corneal ulcer, ophthalmia of the new-born, injury of eyes, as prophylaxis of ocular infections after injuries/ Burns, Pre/Post operative surgery.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity
Special Precautions Do not touch dropper/Tip and discontinue use of irritation persists
Dosage 1-2 drops 3-4 times daily
Brands Abbucid’, optisol, phenosulf, sulfaren, Locula, Chlormide,Andremide, Bleph, Syncula, Zinco-Sulpha, Setride, Cellumide eye drops

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Modern Medicine: General Cautions on Administration of Medicines to Children

1. Complete entire course of preventive vaccinations and do not skip over or delay.

2. Never give any medicine on empty stomach nor soon after feeding nor disturb a child when he is asleep, continues to weep.

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Modern Medicine: How to Treat Abdominal Colic and Jaundice in Children

Abdominal Colic

Due to accumulation of wind (gas) the child cries, does not let his abdomen touch by anyone, face becomes red, pulls up his legs. As soon as wind is passed out, he gets some relief. Pain in abdomen could also be due to constipation when food putrefies in the intestines and continues to decay there, causing abdominal distress. Such type of pain ameliorates when stools are passed. While passing stools, there is often expulsion of foul smelling gas which relieves and comforts the child.

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Modern Medicine: How to Treat Fever, Cold, Coryza, Catarrh and Cough in Children


This is a symptom and not a disease which can be triggered by following factors –

Exposure to heat or cold
Infection by polluted food Injury or swelling Coryza, Catarrh, Cough, Rhinitis Stomach infection
Diarrhoea, Dysentry or Constipation
Mother herself may be having fever.

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Modern Medicine: How to Treat Anaemia, Nausea and Vomiting, Undescended Testes and Retracted Testes in Children


The term simply applies to low 1 lb count in blood. Face looks pale, eyes give vacant and besotted look, breathlessness, exhaustion. Main cause is short supply of iron. In olden times Iron pans were used for cooking which helped in iron supply – when some iron used to get mixed with cooked food while stirring or boiling. A breast-fed baby does not need any iron tonic – if the mother takes folic acid, vitamin B-l 2 or spinach when she can, in turn, supply requisite iron to her baby through her milk. Older children should be given preferably vegetables and fruit juices for the purpose. In some cases oral iron preparations may cause loose motions, hence highly sensitive mothers should cautiously use oral iron preparations. It may be pointed out that iron overload can adversely affect liver functioning – it is equally true in cases of children and elderly people alike.

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Modern Medicine: Remedy for Nasal Blockade and Cough,Vomiting of Milk and Nappy Rash

Nasal Blockade and Cough

Blockade of either or both the nasal passages causes breathing problems, especially when the child has to breathe through his mouth. If there is cough also, it will make even mouth-breathing difficult. IF cough is stingy and tenacious, he won’t be able to cough up the sputum and, thus, feel choked. When all these problems combine, the child feels gagged, suffocated and tired To cure these complications, insert a drop of saline water in each nostril or use Nasivion paediatric nasal drops. Give 2.5 ml (1/4 TSP) of Tyxlax syrup after an interval of 4-6 hours.

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