Modern Medicine: Remedy for Hiccough/Hiccup and Weeping in Infants


Some children, though not all of them, develop hiccoughs after taking milk and it is quite natural and does not constitute a disease. But, if hiccoughs last for a longer span and continue unabated, it does exhaust the little one, especially when his breathing gets interrupted; and in this condition a doctor must be consulted for medical advice. Generally, such hiccups subside automatically after a few minutes when no treatment is called for. According to some it disappears if some lukewarm water is given to the infant.

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Chromotherapy: Principles and Benefits of Chromotherapy

Principles of Chromotherapy

Wrong lifestyle, improper diet, stress, tension, fear, anger, worry, lack of exercise, consumption of harmful products like liquor, cigarette,etc., are some of the causes for the many illnesses people are engrossed with these days. It is a tough job to keep a body healthy at all ages and in all seasons because a body is a temple of problems and a house of ailments. Due to ailments one has to take medical help.

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Chromotherapy: History of Chromotherapy

Sun is the source of life on earth. From the beginning of the human civilisation sun has been worshipped as the giver of life and power. Making obeisance to the sun early in the morning helps to purify and harmonise the functioning of the various organs in the body. Among all other methods for treatment of various diseases, treatment through solar energy always held a special place.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Various Kinds of Headaches

Headache is one of the most common ailments among human beings. Headaches are caused due to many reasons – head injury, eye strain, fever, sinus infection, or allergic reaction, etc. Some of the headaches are mild, some are severe. There are two main kinds of headaches – acute and chronic. Acute headaches occur infrequently for a short time, whereas chronic ones occur frequently and last for few days.

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Chromotherapy: Common Natural Remedies

There is a mutual relation between nature and man. It is a well- known fact that a human being takes birth in the lap of nature, survives, works and ultimately dies here. The human body is made up of water, air, sun, earth, ether, i.e. the five elements of nature. All these five elements at all times provides health to a human being. Nature has provided us eight physicians which give us health. They are – air, diet, water, fast, sun, sleep, thought and exercise.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Ailments of the Eyes

1. Stye

Stye is an infection of the eyelid which makes it red and sore. For its cure one must wash the eyes 2-3 times a day with green water and put 2-3 drops of sun-charged rose water into the eyes for relief. For the swelling one must apply sun-charged blue coconut oil on the external part of the eyes.

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