Chromotherapy: Treatment for Nasal Ailments

1. Cold, sneezing

If sneezing does not get a timely cure it becomes cold. The nose gets blocked or the nose keeps flowing, the sense of smell is also affected there is headache, etc.

When the nostrils get blocked 5-6 drops of sun-charged green mustard oil should be gently massaged or rubbed on the scalp for 10-15 minutes using the lower part of the palm and 40-80 ml of orange water should be taken 3-4 times a day. If there is a watery discharge from the nose, then massage sun-charged blue coconut oil.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Ailments of Mouth and Throat

1. Pyorrhea

Pyorrhea is a disease of the gums and of the bone that supports the teeth in their sockets. This is the chief cause of loss of teeth after the age of 35. The most common form of pyorrhoea results from the build-up of plaque on the teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky mixture of food particles and bacteria. In this disease the teeth bleed, become hollow and weak, there is pus etc.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Sleep Disorders

1. Insomnia

Insomnia is the inability to sleep naturally. Insomnia may result from a number of causes — illness, coffee or other stimulants, etc. In addition, insomnia may be caused by psychological factors. It is often obviously related to conscious fears and worries. Sometimes sleep is disturbed by frightening dreams, pain or discomfort from a physical ailment, etc.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Constipation and Piles


Constipation is a condition in which the bowel does not rid itself of waste materials as readily as usual. Constipated people do not have regular bowel movements, and may have pain over the colon. They may suffer from headaches and backache, sour belches and loss of appetite. Constipation can be caused by weakness of the bowel muscles or when a person uses laxatives too frequently or does not eat enough of certain kinds of foods especially those that contain fibre.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Orthopedic Ailments

1. Backache

If the backache is due to cold then the back should be massaged with sun-charged Ashirwad Mahanarayani oil and should be given heat. If the backache is due to gas then 50-60ml of orange water should be taken three times a day. Massaging the back with sun-charged red oil and keeping it warm provides relief.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Breathing Ailments

1. Asthma

Asthma is a medical condition of the chest that makes breathing difficult. This difficulty in breathing may affect an asthmatic person in sudden, sharp attacks that occur periodically. Symptoms include a wheezing sound from the chest when inhaling and even greater wheezing when exhaling. Patients may gasp for air and feel that they are suffocating.

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Chromotherapy: Treatment for Pediatric Ailments

According to the sayings of Maharishi Charak the following reasons are responsible for ailments among children

1. When mothers do not breastfeed their babies.
2. Giving the child excess milk or too quickly also makes the child sick.
3. By giving cold food items to children.
4. The child also suffers from abdominal ailments due to eating mud or chalk.
5. Eating more of nutritious foods can also cause stomach ailments in children.
6. Not allowing the child to get proper sleep can also make the child lazy and sick.
7. Contact with a person suffering from a contagious disease or consuming a food or drink already consumed by the sick person may also make the child sick.
8. Keeping the child on the lap at all times.
9. Not rubbing oil on the child’s body.
10. Getting breast-fed by a pregnant mother may also make the child sick.
11. It is usually seen that mothers make their children go to sleep by giving them opium or some other intoxicant so that the child may lie down in a corner and the mother may complete her household chores. But this causes grave damages. The child can also die due to excessive intoxication.
12. Bathing the child immediately after he has been fed.

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