Child Care: First Aid During Poisoning in Children

The ideal thing is prevention. Potentially toxic things like adult medicines etc. should be kept well out of reach of the child. But surprisingly, this very obvious and common sense fact is overlooked in a vast number of cases, as is evident by the number of children brought to the emergency department of the hospital with some sort of poisoning.

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Child Care: Crying Pattern in Children

❖ Crying: This is one of the most common, perplexing and irritating dilemmas faced by the parents as the child is unable to communicate why he is crying.

❖ Sensitivity: There are some babies who are extra sensitive during the first few weeks and require a lot of cuddling. The parents should keep their presence of mind and cool, particularly during the night and not get angry with their baby, for it only worsens matters.

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Child Care: First Aid During Choking, Cuts and Bruises and Fractures


This may be a life-threatening emergency and every second is precious. In choking, a thing (food bolus or any foreign body like marble etc.) that the child has put into his mouth sometimes may go into the windpipe. As a result there is a partial or complete obstruction of the windpipe and the child is deprived of Oxygen.

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Child Care: First Aid During Heat Prostration and Bites in Children


In India, where summers are extremely hot with the mercury climbing to 46-48° C; emergencies due to heat prostration are very common, particularly if one is doing manual work outdoors and undergoes a lot of exertion in the open blazing sun. There are two types of ill-effects due to extreme heat:

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