Ayurveda: Remedy for Poor Breast Milk Production

Nowadays, new-age mothers are unable to meet the nutritional needs of their infants through breast-feeding alone. Young women only produce about half to two-thirds as much breast milk compared to the required amount.

In addition, young mothers do not nurse as long or as often as the older moms do. Ayurvedic texts identify certain causes for cessation of breast milk such as anger, grief, absence of affection for the child, fear, fasting, physical exertion, consumption of dry edibles, emaciation, and another pregnancy.


• Certain food items such as grape juice, vegetables growing wild or on marshy land, water, cereals, fruits, meat, meat soup, milk, ghee, oil, garlic, onion, eatables and drinks that are predominantly liquid, sweet, sour and saline increase breas: milk.

• Certain lifestyle changes such as taking rest, good sleep, happiness, and correct way of feeding will help.

• Think baby, think milk. While you are feeding, stroke and calm your baby using a lot of skin-to-skin contact. This will help your milk ejection to be reflexive.

• Increase feeding frequency. Breastfeed your baby at least every two hours during the day and at least every four hours during the night.

• Do not wait for your breasts to “fill up” to determine when it is time for another feed.

• Try “switch nursing.” Allow your baby to finish the first breast before switching tc the other side.

• Try “double-nursing.” After you feed your baby and it seems finished, hold, or carry him upright and awake for 10 to 20 minutes, allowing any trapped air bubbles to be burped up. This makes room for more milk.


Many ayurvedic herbs are credited with the ability to increase milk production; these are termed as the galatogogues. Some of the popular galactogogues are:

Fennel (saunf): Fennel seeds display mild estrogen-like properties. Try them for a tasty fennel tea. Use two teaspoonfuls of crushed seeds per cup of boiling water, steer it for five minutes, strain, and sip. Take up to three cups each day.

Fenugreek seeds (methi daana): Mix half a tsp of powdered seeds along with dalia (cracked wheat) or rice porridge and eat daily.

Wild asparagus (shataavari): In Sanskrit, shataavari means ‘one who possesses 100 husbands’. The name is symbolic as it is the main rejuvenating herb for the female. It increases the size and tone of the bust and the quality and quantity of milk in nursing mothers. Take one to two tsp of dried powder with milk, twice daily. A pinch of Pippali choorna may be added to enhance its bio-availability.

Jeevanthi (leptadenia retuculata): The lactogenic effect of this plant has been clinically assessed by many investigators. A compound herbal preparation, Leptaden comprising extract of the plant is available in the market. The usual dosage is two tabs, three times a day.

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