“Twenty warm embraces a day will keep the Heart Surgeon away”. — Author
A warm embrace is the best massage for the Heart Muscle and there cannot be better exercise done lovingly for the Heart than this. In fact, this is the only feasible daily exercise for the Heart. Even the Heart Surgeon, as a last resort, gives a sudden jolt to the heart muscle to revive it when a person’s heart has stopped beating and many a time the Heart revives. The word ’embracing’ is also a good exhale mantra.
1) Exhale with = EMBRACING
Inhale with = SA-BRA-MANG
When we fall ill, our breath becomes shallow and the word SA is the seed word for breath origin in our body about 7 cms. below the Navel and the word BRA helps the bronchial tubes to breathe to their optimal capacity. This also helps to breathe from the abdomen, because R is the seed word for Manipur/Navel chakra in our body and it helps the Liver, the abdomen, the Pancreas for proper digestion and assimilation of food in our body. And the total word ‘BRA’ helps us to breathe both from the abdomen as well as from the lungs, very effective word to help total breathing.
Word ‘M’ is the seed word for crown chakra. It helps to strengthen the right brain and the pineal gland. And the word Man yokes us with Infinity-the Super-conscious-ness to draw in as much pranic life energy as possible. And the total word MANG helps to strengthen all the conscious sense endings in the brain, and the words, M,N,G, together activate the pituitary and pineal glands which are the master-glands directing the total glandular activity in our body/mind system. Thus, this breathing mantra helps to boost our immune system.
Inhale/Exhale with the above mantra by speaking it inwardly, smoothly and rhythmically, to simulate the natural breathing as nearly as possible. Do it for five minutes in the morning and for five minutes in the evening to boost your total health to make of you a warm hearted person.