Pranic Healing: A Mantra to Cure Eye Diseases

Sky is the limit for the man to scale any heights. It is man’s ingenuity that he has reached the moon and returned home to the earth safely again and again. The Word Asman’ means ‘Sky’ in Urdu/Hindi Language, and is a good inhale mantra to develop the left brain (N) and the right brain (M) of a person & together the words N&M resonate with their sonic energy with the pituitary & pineal glands respectively, which direct the total glandular orchestra in our body, thus keeping our body/mind healthy for any challenging task. And the word ‘AS’ helps us to breathe from the bottom of our legs and the total inhale mantra Asman helps to take the the breath to the top crown chakra(M) through the brow chakra (N).

1)Inhale with = ASMAN SPOKEN as ASSMAN
Exhale with = MUNEESH

Before we practice with the above mantra, there are two simpler mantras:

2) Inhale with = ASSAN
Exhale with = NEESH

This very easy mantra will help cure eye defects like Myopia, Hypermetropia & Cataract by providing pranic life energy to the eye sight organs with the help of seed word N. Also

3) Inhale with = ASSAM
Exhale with = MEESH

This mantra will strengthen the right brain and the mind & helps to take the Kindled Kundalini alongwith the breath to the crown chakra, thus helping us to illuminate our personality. Give a small pause after inhaling with the above mantras as well as a small pause after exhaling with the above mantras. So doing you will benefit greatly because it brings about fusion of the inhale & exhale currents bringing bliss in the mind. This mantra wil thus help us to scale all heights — Sky is the Limit, by building up our brain power.

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