Pranic Healing: A Mantra for Rejuvenation

The word ‘Flower’ is indeed a very rejuvenating mantra for us to spread the aura/fragrance of our health around, just like a beautiful flower, and this can happen, if we can exhale with the mantra ‘flower’ pronounced as floower, as originally intended by the linguists.

1. Exhale with = FLOOWERING
Inhale with = LAVARAFONG.


Inhale with = LAVARAFAMMONG.

(i) The word “L’ is the seed word for the basic Muladhara chakra which strengthens the sex organ and the legs and helps us to illuminate by kindling the dormant kundiline to move up, with the breath.

(ii) And the word ‘V is the seed word for Swadhistana Chakra which represents the water principle and it helps to strengthen the ovaries which nurture life and also helps to strengthen the lower intestines, where the digested food along with nutrients gets absorbed in the blood stream for circulation to all cells in our body. It also helps to strengthen the kidneys for proper elimination of urine etc.

(iii) The word ‘R’ is the seed word of Manipur Chakra which represents the fire principle in our body, and the word ‘R’ gives resonant sonic vibration to the total digestive/assimilative process in the abdomen, to release the proper digestive juices, as and when required, and strengthens the liver and the pancreatic gland to release proper insulin for proper assimilation of glycogen in our body.

(iv) The word ‘F’ is the seed word for lungs, which it helps to breathe to its optimum capacity – the oxygen/pranic life energy to motivate life.

(v) The word ‘M’ is the seed word for crown chakra, it helps to strengthen the right brain and the pineal gland and the word Man yokes us with the superconsciousness to draw in as much pranic life energy as required by us and the mantra ends with the word ‘G’ and the total word ‘MONG’ gives sonic vibratory power to the conscious sense endings in our brain like eyes, nose, throat etc. and also activates the pituitary gland in the left brain which is the master gland to control the total glandular activity in our body. Thus, the inhale mantra ‘lavarafammong gives resonant sonic power to the total body/ mind system and above all, it strengthens our sex organs with the power of the words L N & G to increase our retentivity and sex power of ‘LING’ (Sex organ in HINDI) and as long as a person is sexually active, he is flowering, he thinks I am still young. That is indeed a great rejuvenating feeling and then we can say things to others with flowers.


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