A few salient aspects of dietary and medicinal use of milk and some of its products as employed in allopathic as well as ayurvedic systems of medicine have been highlighted in the account given above. We shall consider now the three common ways or products in which milk is used in India predominantly and specially as the system of Ayurveda recommends.
These are milk, butter milk and curds. All of them are very familiar forms of milk readily available in most homes and as such quite a few specific ways of using them as household remedies have also been developed over ages. And, these have been proved highly valuable by tradition and long use over an extensive number of individual cases. Some ideas of this nature are attempted to be given now.
Vaidyas and hakims regard Cow’s milk as the best of the milks since the gestation period in a cow is somewhat similar to what is found in the human beings. But it has lesser amount of sugar, salts and watery portion and greater amount of fat and oiliness; it yields greater amount of paneer. It is therefore unsuitable directly to new born babies. When felt needed, sugar and water are added; it is also boiled and then given. It is said that taking cow’s milk for a very long time daily may lead to stone complaints in urine in some persons; there is a likelihood of developing leucoderma {shvitra kusht) or an infection of lice in some. For persons of kapha constitution, raw milk does not agree.
Buffaloe’s milk is thicker and heavier. It has greater fat content, the yield of paneer is also greater. Experienced vaidyas and hakims are of the opinion that excessive consumption of buffaloe’s milk leads to a dulness of intelligence.
Goat’s milk is considered to be uniquely excellent to purify blood. In fact nothing is considered to equal goat’s milk in this respect. This is believed to be due to the fact that goat’s feed consists of all types of leaves and herbs and these do leave their blood purifying ability in the milk. This destroys itching, ring worms and freckles on the skin. Goat’s milk should not be consumed raw; that would lead to lice infection and a smell like goat. This can be avoided by boiling it two to four times and then drinking.
Sheep’s milk is like that of buffalo; thick and aphrodisiac, increasing the urge of sex. This is very much sticky. Excessive and habitual use of this milk leads to a foul smell of the body and an infection of lice. It may also lead to itching in the body.
Camel’s milk is thinner than most other milks. Its taste is somewhat salty. Just as goats do, camels also feed on a very varied plant source of leaves and twigs. As such, its milk is also useful in many diseases. This is an excellent laxative and a diuretic, promoting profuse urination. In manji cases of affliction, camel’s milk is purposefully broken with lime and the watery portion alone is used with great advantage. For persons who are having fever and those that are of pitta constitution, camel’s milk is harmful.
Ass’s milk is considered excellently beneficial to patients of tuberculosis. This is the least sticky among the milks and the yield of paneer is also the lowest. But, the sugar content is great. This is why it is rather equivalent to breast milk and is best suited to weak children.
Mare’s milk is hot.
Human milk has great sugar content. It is also useful in many diseases.
(a) Medication with Milk
It has been claimed that there is probably no disease excepting those of the organic heart troubles that cannot be cured by an intelligent use of milk. This is presumed to be so however incurable and resistant has been any specific disease. Milk is a substance that can ward off disease as such. For this purpose however, some definite procedures of taking milk has been devised. One such procedure as laid down is as follows. Here, milk is employed as if it is a rasayana or an elixirising article, where the patient sustains himself solely on milk for a few days.
(b) Milk as an elixir
It is advisable to start the regimen by fasting for two to three days. During these days of fast about 5 sers of water are to be drunk, per day. This will clear out all the vitiations of the body. Starting milk therapy after such a fasting is advisable, but if this is not possible one need not be very insistent about it.
When the regimen has started, it is advisable that one should take complete rest, for, that would be most beneficial. If the disease is not very severe, carrying out just ordinary routine work is not contraindicated. The patient should keep his mind calm and unagitated. During the days of taking milk, no other food is to be taken. This is quite possible, for, milk contains all substances that are necessary for nutrition. There need not be any other type of food to come in the way of the full action of milk and its contents.
It is difficult to specify exactly how much total intake of milk that an individual can indulge in this regimen; this is to be best judged by the individual himself. Starting with 3 sers of milk a day is probably satisfactory. The milk to be taken should be clean without any water, pure and raw as boiling would destroy many of its valuable contents. First, half a ser should be taken and this is to be consumed in small quantities after moving it well in the mouth every time and then gulping in. It will need about three to four minutes for completing half a ser of milk.
After half an hour of interval another half ser of milk is to be taken in the same manner. About 2 sers of milk can be consumed in this manner by about 9.30 A.M. Give an interval of about two hours and start the regimen again. Use fresh milk every time but if this is not possible, use chilled milk. Take rest till evening and when fresh milk comes, start again and complete the remaining quantity of milk giving the same amount of interval and in the same manner.
The procedure may be continued for two days. From then on, the net quantity of milk may be increased to five or even seven sers but only gradually and never all on a sudden. It is better to increase one ser per day.
Atleast two months of such a regimen is prescribed for a person to derive the maximum of the possible benefits. All troubles of the stomach should go, weakness should disappear totally and all the limbs should appear well nourished and healthy. The exuberance of health should be visible in the very face and its lustre. Till such a time the regimen is advised to be continued. The disease a patient has been suffering from is expected to be taken care of by the very vibrant health that would set in.
A point of note : For some, an intake of milk leads to “voices in the stomach” due to gas trouble or so. Such persons are best advised to take one or half a lemon, squeeze it fully, mix a little water and then drink it, an hour or half an hour before they drink milk in the early morning. Some find a distaste in taking milk. They may also adopt the same procedure. Those who have an acidity in stomach do not find taste in taking milk. Lemon juice is an advisable drink in all such circumstances.