Asthma Treatment: Naturopathic Treatment of Asthma

Naturopathy is preventive, curative and corrective therapy and also has no side-effects, of course when rules are fully adhered to. All the methods have patient compliance, are cost-effective and easy to perform. Whenever Naturopathy is tried, first of all, bowels should be cleared by purging out fecal matter from the intestines.


Take a vessel, filled with 1 to 1.5 liters of lukewarm water. Before taking to enema, properly check the nozzle and vessel. Disinfect both the vessel and nozzle and allow some water to How out of the nozzle so that no air packet disturbs water flow, as trapped air can also penetrate in the intestines along with enema water.

Only hard surface should be used while lying down on the floor but ensure that buttocks remain 2-4 inches higher than the floor level. By doing so, you can be rest assured that water will enter through rectum without any obstruction. The vessel should be hung at a height of one meter or so above your body level. Now insert the nozzle in the rectum and raise up your knees a bit so as to facilitate entry of water.

Water in the intestines should be retained till urgency to visit the toilet arises. Do not exert any pressure while defecating. It hikes some time for the water to act on the impacted fecal matter. It would be still better if cold water is used, instead of lukewarm water. When your bowels have been cleared, you may feel another urgency to empty your stomach. It is so, because adherent and tough feces take more time to soften and come out. If you repeat this practice of having an enema daily, your system will automatically and slowly get back to normalcy when your system acclimatizes with the new situations.

It may be noted that most of the maladies emanate from chronic constipation which is removed effectively by enema water. Once your stools are normal, there won’t be any indigestion, flatulence, colic, acidity, eructations, burning sensation. In addition, there are less chances of breeding of worms because worms breed in dirt and filth only.


Kunjar means elephant who first drinks plenty of water in one go and expels (vomits out) the same later on. This kriya is a part of Nature Cure and Yoga. Those, who always have their chest filled with sputum, cannot respirate comfortably, suffer from asthma, and/or other respiratory and digestive problems, should practice it.

Boil about 2-3 liters of water in a utensil and let it get down to lukewarm position. Now add some salt to it. Sit on your toes on empty stomach or you can do it even after attending to the call of nature. Drink the lukewarm water until it reaches your throat or when you develop a feeling of vomit. Now vomit out entire water from your mouth, inserting your fingers in the throat so that entire ingested quantity of water gets out.

When the water comes out, it would be either bitter or acidic or both. Sometimes it is acidic and pungent so that throat remains bitter/acidic for some time. If you feel an urgency to defecate, you should not delay because intestinal filth will be ejected through passage of stools.

After body has been fully emptied, do not eat or drink anything; except having an apple. Lunch should be had with khichri and 10-12 gms of ghee. At about 4 p.m., you should have only coffee, and bland and light diet at dinner time. Care should be taken that no cold drink and food is taken, at least for 24 hours.

The whole process, as detailed above, can be repeated as when the said disorders are felt. Let there be no exposure of your abdominal portion which should be kept fully wrapped, avoiding fan or/and cold in any form. Frequent repetition of this process (Kunjal Kriya) is not advised.

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