First-Aid: First-Aid for Hiccups, Constipation, Indigestion and Obstructed Hernia


I lire ups occur due to spasms of the diaphragm, which divides the abdomen from the chest. They are commonly due to eating or drinking too much or drinking carbonated beverages in large quantities. They can also be due to diseases that irritate the phrenic nerve that supplies the diaphragm. There are so many hiccup remedies. They all work when the hiccups are ready to stop anyhow. Hiccuping lasting for days is exhausting.


1. Make the patient lie down and rest.
2. Ask him to drink some water slowly.
3. Ask him to breath in and out of a paper bag fitting tightly over the face.
4. Give half a teaspoonful of sodium carbonate in water for drinking.


Failure to pass stools for 2 or more days is called constipation. It is often due to a diet poor in fiber, e.g. fruits and green vegetables. It may be caused by pregnancy, use of drugs like iron, and tumors of the large intestine.


1. Give diet rich in fiber.
2. Give plenty of fluids orally.
3. Give a laxative like isapgol or liquid paraffin at bed time. A glycerin suppository or an enema of soap or liver oil may also be used.
4. Send him to a doctor if these measures fail.


It is a condition characterized by a sensation of fullness of the stomach along with belching and upper abdominal pain or discomfort (heartburn). It may be caused by any of the following.

1. Ingestion of lot of food which makes it too difficult to digest.
2. Drinking too much alcohol.
3. Tension and anxiety.


1. Place the patient comfortably in bed.
2. Give him some milk to drink.
3. Give him an antacid.
4. Send him to a doctor if these measures fail.


A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an abdominal organ or a part of an organ through an abnormal opening in the abdominal wall. Various types of hernias are inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, femoral hernia etc. A baby may be born with a hernia. An elderly person develops an inguinal hernia due to enlargement of his prostate, which makes him strain for passing urine. A hernia may develop in the scar of an abdominal incision too, due to poor healing of the wound. Usually the opening is big enough so that the contents of the hernia can be reduced back into the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this cannot be done. Such a hernia is said to be obstructed. The condition is diagnosed by the following features.

1. There is a history of a reducible lump on the abdominal wall.
2. There is an inability to reduce the lump over the last few days.
3. There may be constipation and vomiting due to intestinal obstruction.
4. There may be severe pain locally due to strangulation of the hernia.


1. Do not try to reduce the contents of the hernia back into the abdominal cavity.
2. Do not give him anything orally.
3. Shift him to a hospital immediately.

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