Homeopathy: The Law of Cure

Hahnemann, a brilliant scholar, a graduate in Allopathy, a linguist to boot, was disappointed with his practice of Allopathy, and thus took to translating medical books, during the course of winch he came across the statement that the Cinchona Bark(Quinine) is a specific for malaria. He was not satisfied with the reason given for the observation, and being an original thinker who took nothing for granted, he started taking quinine himself and found that he was experiencing symptoms of malaria.

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Homeopathy: Potency and Repetition of Dose

This has always been a controversial issue, but a few simple rules may be given. Involved in the problem are a careful consideration of the Vital Force of the patient, the disease force and the drug force (potency and repetition).

(1) If pathology is advanced and there are no characteristic (homoeopathic) indications, start with a low potency, e.g. 30th potency.

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Homeopathy: Management of the Case and What the Homeopathy Masters have said

(1) There can be NO AGGRAVATION of symptoms if the remedy is not repeated too often. Yes, if there is MEDICINAL, aggravation, it will be short-lived, and will pass if the patient is left alone. But aggravation of the DISEASE is prolonged and in that event there is urgent need to take the case and change the remedy in accordance with the new symptoms.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Appetite, Thirst Cravings/Aversions

Argentum nit. – Craves sugar which disagrees. Desire for cheese. Loss of appetite. Eating amel nausea but agg. stomach pain.

Ars. Alb. – Cannot bear the sight, smell or thought of food unquenchable, burning thirst. Desires little and often. Desires ice cold water which distresses the stomach and is vomited immediately Vomiting and purging from food poisoning.

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Homeopathy: Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma (Difficult Breathing)

Antimonium tart. – Suffocative shortness of breath from great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling and inability to raise it (Rer. I pec) especially in children, and old people. Must sit up to breathe or cough. Worse lying. Child bends backwards with cough. Asphyxia of newborn. Child breathless and pale when born.

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