Growth pertains to physical aspects like height, weight etc. which can be quantified and objectively measured. Development refers to the mental progress of the child like his intelligence etc. and therefore is qualitative. All parents are concerned and rightly so, about the growth and development of their child. ,
Unlike other species, the human development is the slowest with the child being dependent on parental care for a number of years. Therefore, the relationship between parents and the baby constitutes the most important requirement for the healthy development of a child. Fortunately, both parents and the baby are programmed by nature to form strong attachments towards each other. Even a few days old baby responds preferentially to the image of a human face and particularly to the mother’s voice. Because of the love, affection and care of the parents, the young child experiences an early sense of security, warmth and positive self-worth. This early and secure bonding between the baby and the parents is essential for the healthy development of a child.
Continue reading Child Care: Parental Aspects in Newborn’s Child’s Growth