Modern Medicine: Treatment for Orchitis & Epididymitis

Orchitis is simply an inflammation of the testicles and that of epiddymitis is inflammation of epiddymis (a highly convoluled tube, about 7 metres long that connects the testes to vas deferons) and quite often symptoms of both diseases co-exit-caused usually by some infection. The condition may affect cither or both the testes. When both the major organs are infected and involved, the malady is termed as ‘Epididymo-orchitis’.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Phimosis/Paraphimosis

Inability of completely uncover the tip of male organ (called ‘Glans Penis’) and an inability to retract the foreskin (called ‘Prepuce – an elastic skin covering over the glans-penis) is called ‘Phimosis’ but the term ‘Para-Phimosis’ is used to explain inability to draw back the foreskin which has once been drawn up.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Gonorrhoea

This disease is caused by Cohabitation with a person suffering from this disease, and either sex can be infected. Being a dangerous venereal disease. (Caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae) it affects genital mucus membranes of both sexes -penis and urethra in case of males and vagina in the case of females. Symptoms develop after about a week after the infection which is contagious in nature.
Causes and Symptoms
There is severe and unbearable pain while passing urine which is passed with much difficulty.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Syphilis

This is a Chronic Veneral disease which is caused by the bacterium ‘Treponema Pallidum’, rsulting in formation of lesions throughout the body. These bacteria enter the body through/via sexual intercourse. During the course of sexual coitus (intercourse), through mucus membranes of urethra or Vagina. But it is quite rare that they may transmit through scratches or skin wounds. Bacteria might also pass through (from) an infected pregnant woman across the placenta to the growing foetus and this state is called ‘Congenital Syphilis’ (that is syphilis is present at birth)

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Skin Disease

Even though skin and its related diseases remained neglected for a considerable span to time, its utility and important to our body is of paramount importance. Imagine how horribly human body would have looked, had there been no skin over body-Cage. People have now become more conscious about skin care and its beauty and sprawling number of beauty parlors is a living testimony our above observation that, not only ladies but gents also are showing growing awareness towards skin care. It is not the Complexion that counts, it is the glare and softness of skin that matters and attracts others. Emotions directly impact our skin, as under fear skin shrivels and contracts, under a jovial and easy mood it dialates. When sex oveipowers it reddens and in modesty it blushes.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Urticarea (Hives, Nettle Rash)

This is also known as hives and Nettlerash and Caused by food deviations, reactions or any allergic factor. One may have urticarea due to one type of allergy and may have other Cause next time, so it is not easy to discern the underlying or precepitatory cause each time, Even a sudden exposure to rain, cold or heat, contact, some irritating food items specific types of applications clothes, shoes underwears local skin, stings / bites of insects and animals will suffice to cause urticarial infections / eruptions.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Eczema

It could surface in the form of dry or moist (wet) Eczama. When in moist form, a thick substance Continues to ooze out which infects surrounding areas also, after spreading thereto. At times, there is sanguinely a superficial healing when (hard) crusts form which have pus, blood or simply watery substance underneath.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Acne

This is an adolescence syndrome when young boys and girls, at pubertal stage or even after that, experience emergence of crop of pimples on the face – moves on checks, beneath tower tip and chin, near the ears, but rarely under the eyes, this is said to be a symptom of approaching young age when, due to glazed oily skin, red pimples appear on face. When such pimples are pluked, pus, blood or thick yellow fluid exudes therefrom. Constant plucking leaves back blemishes on the facial skin and appearance gets destorted which is a mentally and psychologically shattering situation for the youngones.

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