Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Migraine

Painkilling drugs may give temporary relief but they do not remove the cause. The patient soon gets addicted to strong drugs which also lose their effectiveness in course of time. The best treatment for migraine is to prevent it.

A lowered energy level, however, is the chief factor which contributes towards migraine. Any successful treatment for this ailment should, therefore, aim at a complete toning up and revitalisation of the whole organism. To achieve this, it will be essential to under-take a thorough cleansing of the system and adopt vitality-building measures.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Nephritis

The safest treatment for acute nephritis is fasting. By means of the fast, the toxins and systemic impurities responsible for setting up of the inflammatory kidney conditions are removed rapidly. The patient should resort to juice fasting for seven to ten days till the acute symptoms subside.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Neuritis

Treatment of neuritis by painkilling drugs may give temporary relief but it does not remove the trouble effectively. The pain is relieved for the time being at the cost of the health of other parts of the body, especially the heart and kidneys, and the neuritis remains. The best treatment for neuritis is to ensure that the patient gets optimum nutrition, well assimilated with all the vitamins and other nutrients.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Neuritis

Neuritis is one of the most serious nervous disorders. It refers to an inflammation of the nerves, involving a single nerve or a series of nerves. At times, several different groups of nerves in various parts of the body may be involved. This condition is known as polyneuritis. It is also known as polyneuropathy, for strictly speaking, the condition is not an inflammation, but a change in the state of the nerves resulting in weakness of the reflexes and changes of sensation.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Nephritis


I. A fast on carrot or orange juice and water for three days. Use warm water enema this period.

II. An all-fruit diet for further three days, with three meals a day at five-hourly intervals.

III. Fruit and milk diet for further five days. In this regimen fresh milk may be added to each fruit meal.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Obesity

A suitably planned course of dietetic treatment, in conjunction with suitable exercise and other measures for promoting elimination, is the only scientific way of dealing with obesity. The chief consideration in this treatment should be the balanced selection of foods which provide the maximum essential nutrients with the least number of calories.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Obesity

Obesity may be described as a bodily condition charactrised by excessive storage of fat in the adipose tissues. It usually results from consumption of food in excess of physiological needs. Obesity is common among people in Western countries and among the higher income groups in India and other developing countries.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer is one of the most common diseases today. It refers to an eroded lesion in the gastric intestinal mucosa. An ulcer may form in any part of the digestive tract which is exposed to acid gastric juice, but is usually found in the stomach and the duodenum.

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