Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Influenza


I. Fast on raw juices for three to five days. Take a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice, diluted with water on 50:50 basis, every two hours. Use warm-water enema daily during this period.

II. An all-fruit diet for three days after fever subsides. Take three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals.

III. Fruit and milk diet for further three days.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Insomnia

The term insomnia literally denotes a complete lack of sleep. It is, however, used to indicate a relative inability to sleep that consists of difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in staying asleep, early awakening or a combination of any of these complaints. Insomnia deprives the person of mental rest and thereby interferes with his activities in the day time. It constitutes a severe health hazard when it becomes a habit.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Jaundice

Jaundice is the most common of all liver disorders. It is a condition in which yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes occurs due to an increase in the bile pigment, bilirubin, in the blood.

The bile, produced by the liver, is a vital digestive fluid which is essential for proper nutrition. It exercises a most favourable influence on the general processes of digestion. It also prevents decaying changes in food. If the bile is prevented from entering the intestines there is an increase in gases and other products. Normally, the production of bile and its flow is constant.

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Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Insomnia


I. An all-fruit diet for three to five days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits at five-hourly intervals.

II. Thereafter, adopt a well-balanced diet as follows:

1. Upon arising: A glass of lukewarm water with half a freshly squeezed lime and a teaspoon of honey.
2. Breakfast: Fresh fruit, a glass of milk, preferably goat’s milk, sweetened with honey and some nuts, preferably almonds.
3. Lunch: A bowl of freshly-prepared steamed vegetables, two or three whole wheat chappatis and a glass of butter milk.
4. Mid-afternoon: A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice, preferably lettuce juice.
5. Dinner: A good-sized raw vegetable salad and sprouts with lime juice dressing, followed by a hot course if desired.
6. Bedtime Snack: A glass of milk sweetened with honey.

III. Always follow the undermentioned rules regarding eating:

1. Do not take water with meals, but half an hour before and one hour after a meal.
2. Eat very slowly and chew your food as thoroughly as possible.
3. Never eat to full stomach.

Home remedies: Thiamine, lettuce, milk, curd, bottle gourd, aniseed, honey, and herb rauwolfia.

Avoid: Tea, coffee, sugar, white flour and products made from them, refined food, fried foods, flesh foods, tinned and preserved foods, condiments and pickles.


1. Fresh air, brisk walk, bicycling, swimming and shavashana.
2. Alternate hot and cold compresses to the back of the head at the base of the brain.

Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Jaundice


I. Raw juice diet for 3 to 5 days. Oranges, lemons, sugarcane and carrots may be used for juices. During this period, the bowels should be cleaned daily with lukewarm water enema.

II. An all-fruit diet for further 3 to 5 days, with three meals a day at five-hourly intervals.

III. Thereafter, adopt the following diet:

Continue reading Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Jaundice

Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Kidney Stones


I. Take carrot or orange juice diluted with water on 50:50 basis every two hours for three days, and use warm water enema daily during this period.

II. An all-fruit diet for further three days, with three meals a day at five-hourly intervals.

III. Fruit and milk diet for further five days. In this regimen, add fresh milk to each fruit meal.

IV. Thereafter, gradually adopt a well-balanced low-protein diet on the following lines:

1. Upon arising: 25 black raisins soaked overnight in water along with water in which they are soaked.
2. Breakfast: Milk sweetened with honey and fresh fruits.
3. Lunch: Freshly-prepared steamed vegetables, whole wheat chappatis, unsalted butter and buttermilk.
4. Mid-afternoon: Carrot juice or coconut water.
5. Dinner: Fresh green vegetable salad, with lemon juice dressing and mung beans sprouts.
6. Bed time snack: A glass of milk sweetened with honey.

Avoid: Tea, coffee, alcoholics beverages, flesh foods, salt, condiments, sugar, denatures, cereals, and foods containing oxalic acid.


1. Yoga asanas, fresh air and outdoor exercises, especially walking every morning and evening.
2. Avoid all hurry, excitement and late hours.

Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Kidney Stones

The formation of stones in the kidneys or urinary tract is a fairly common disorder. The stones are formed from the chemicals usually found in the urine such as uric acid, phosphorus, calcium and oxalic acid. They may vary in consistency from grit, sand and gravel-like obstructions to the size of bird’s eggs.

Continue reading Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Kidney Stones

Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Low Blood Pressure

The treatment for low blood pressure should aim at regeneration of the whole system. To begin with, the patient should adopt an exclusive fresh fruit-diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as orange, apple, pineapple, grapes, pear, peach and papaya at five-hourly intervals. Thereafter, he may adopt fruit and milk diet for two or three weeks.

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