In the majority of cases the cause of Leukemia is unknown. Several factors, however, are known to be associated with the development of Leukemia. These are:
Cancer Treatment: Leukemia (Blood Cancer)
These are commonly called “blood cancer”. In fact, these are cancer of the bone marrow which produces the cells, viz. red and white blood cells and the platelets that circulate in the blood. In this condition, the white blood cells produced in the bone marrow arc cancerous and immature. They are also produced in number much more than the normal cells. That is why the condition is called Leukemia, literally meaning white blood. The other cells produced in the marrow such as the red blood cells and the platelets are produced less.
Cancer Treatment: Chronic Leukemia Symptoms
These arc also divided into two types, depending upon the type of white blood cells involved.
Continue reading Cancer Treatment: Chronic Leukemia Symptoms
Cancer Treatment: Acute Leukemia Symptoms
The following are the symptoms of acute leukemia:
· Tiredness.
· Bleeding after slight injury.
· Frequent infections.
· Lump in the abdomen which is found out to be the spleen.
· Discomfort or pain over the bones.
· Loss of weight.
· Diminished appetite.
· The onset is after abrupt with flu-like symptoms and fatigue.
· There may be fever, malaise and a rapidly progressive anaemia.
· Bleeding from the nose (epistaxis), bleeding from the gums or bleeding patches in the skin called purpura, are common and are due largely to reduction in platelet count in the blood (thrombocytopenia). Sore throat and ulcers in the mouth or pharynx are frequent, due to reduction in normal polymor; ho-nuclear leukocytes.
Cancer Treatment: Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
This comprises all lymphomas other than Hodgkin’s. Most of these occur in people above 50 years of age, though some occur in children as well. They differ from Hodgkin’s disease because of their different histological picture. These lymphomas grow rapidly, but are potentially curable.
Cancer Treatment: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
These are cancers of the lymph glands. While most cancers occurring anywhere spread into lymph glands, lymphomas primarily involve the lymph nodes. On account of their characteristics, lymphomas are divided into two categories:
Cancer Treatment: Cancer of the Thyroid
Thyroid gland is situated in the front of the neck, most of it on the two sides of the larynx. Its secretion pours directly into the bloodstream and regulates among many other things, the metabolism of the body.
Cancer Treatment: Cancer of the Brain
Brain cancers occur either primarily in the brain itself, or spread to the brain from other sites such as lungs, breasts, lymphomas, leukaemias, etc.
Since the skull provides no scope for expansion, when the cancer mass grows, it causes pressure symptoms on other parts of the brain.
Cancer Treatment: Cancer of the Stomach
Stomach is the first part of the gastro-intestinal tract where the food stays for some time and gets broken down and digested. If the food contains any substance that is carcinogenic, the stomach is the first part to be affected.
Cancer Treatment: Cancer of the Esophagus
Esophagus is the part of the gastro intestinal tract connecting pharynx of the mouth with the stomach. The lower end of the esophagus which connects with the stomach normally remains partially closed so as not to allow the acid contents of the stomach to come and injure the esophagus.