Natural Cure: Common Yoga Poses – Mayurasana – Pawanmuktasana

Mayur means a peacock and hence the pose of a peacock in this asana. Sit on your knees. Bend forward slightly. Join the elbows and rest your palms on the ground. Now bring down the abdomen on your joined elbows.

From the ground, lift your face in the front and your legs on the rear. Thus balance the whole body on your hands pressing the ground and your elbows supporting the waist.

Fully stretch the legs and balance the whole body on the elbows. Remain in this posture for a minute inhaling the breath and come back exhaling to the original position.

Mayurasana strengthens the kidneys and the digestive organs. It removes the irregularities of breath, bile and phlegm. It restores blood circulation and purifies it.

It removes obesity and activates the liver.


It releases the wind (pawan) and hence this name. Lie down on your back and stretch both the legs. Leaving the left leg stretched on the ground, bend the right leg and bring the bent knees close to the chest.

While inhaling the breath, press the bent leg with both the hands on your chest. Have the hands interlocked to give pressure. Remain in this position, controlling the inhaled breath and then exhaling return to your original position.

Repeat this whole process, but now, with your right leg and then with both legs.

This asana helps to regulate the wind in the body and then release it through the anus. Thus it helps in removing constipation. It removes excess of fat in the abdomen and improves the working of lungs and the heart.

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