This is the result of extra force exerted by the heart to pump blood through arteries clogged with toxic waste. The causes of toxic waste are excessive use of alcohol and smoking besides wrong in-take of foods. Hence, it occurs in the middle life of man.
The symptoms are pain or noises in the head, irritants of temper, dizziness, short-breathing and disordered digestion, due to hardened and inelastic arteries.
A fast on exclusive fresh fruit diet for a week or fortnight is advised as the period for self-cleansing. During the first week warm water enema should be taken at night, to keep the bowels clear.
This should be followed by regular diet, excluding all refined foods and their products, sugar, sweets and confectionary of all kinds, spices and jams etc. Occasional short fasts are also advised.
Dry massage, breathing exercises, walks, sponging and hip-baths should be taken daily.
Low Blood Pressure
It is a condition in which the heart’s action in forcing blood through the arteries is rendered, rather week, due to devitalised system of the body. Like anemia, it is not a disease, but a condition. The same treatment as advised for anemia may be followed.