Natural Cure: The Sun Bath Treatment

Sun-bath is taken both for pleasure or as exercise, as well as for treatment of an ailment. When for pleasure, the best time is early morning, within an hour of sun-rise. You are to find a secluded place, either on a sea-beach, a garden, or any sunny place, like the roof in your own house.

If perfectly secluded, sun-bath may be taken without any clothes on, or just with a ‘langoti’, or underwear on. You are to lie down on soft ground or with a carpet on it. The usual period for sun-bath is 15 to 20 minutes.

You are to keep your eyes closed and take the sun-rays fully on the whole body. You may keep your head moving from side to side gently to enable each side to get its warmth equally, which can improve your eye-sight as well.

Morning sun-bath is health-giving and keeps the body free from local infections and skin diseases.

The sun-bath that is taken for the cure of ailments is generally taken when the sun is quite hot, to enable the body to get complete perspiration. Together with the perspiration, several lands of waste matters are driven out of the pores and along with that, the body pores too, open out.

You may lie down or sit on a chair facing the sun, with head covered with a towel. Before taking such baths, it is advisable to have a drink of cold water. Keep the eyes closed.

For those who want to take it for sight-improvement, they are advised to have the sun-rays on their eyes closed, moving slowly and gently the forehead sideways, bringing each temple to face the rays.

It can be had even in the afternoon, but forenoon sun is considered to be more beneficial. This bath is taken with clothes on, so as not to allow the perspiration to dry up completely. You can take it as long as enjoyable and till complete perspiration.

After the sun-bath the body is to be wiped out thoroughly and then cold bath can be taken, if necessary.

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