Diet Cure: Truths About Vitamins in Your Food

The talk of Vitamin

The sound of Vitamin one hears everywhere. Even the unknown vegetable products are raised to dignity by the use of this term. This term has become more fashionable than fashion itself. With the advent of a great soul, his name comes to be attached to all sorts of things. His principles and practices in life may be diametrically opposed to the articles to which his name is attached. But what does the sordid being who wants to make rupees annas pies out of everything care? Thus you hear of Gandhi Astrologer, Gandhi beedi, Gandhi Restaurants and what not. When the west boosted the term Vitamin, everyone began to echo the word and now you hear that name attached to all things deserving and destroying. You hear of Vitamin Greens, Vitamin Vadai, Vitamin seeds, Vitamin Chutney, etc. It is all one vitamin fashion. But this stops with this fashion only!


One may suppose the Vitamin needs this much talking about. We may dream that this so-called awakening will bring good result. But there is no justification for this hope. The whole thing stops with empty talk and needless discussion. The tongue is not subdued even a little for the sake of having or preserving this Vitamin. When the food articles are prepared to suit the commands of the tongue and taste, even this little Vitamin gets killed.

Research by western’s

The name Vitamin has been discovered no doubt by the Hat-Shastri. These in the modern world have isolated the Vitamin. For that let us give them the first prize and praise. We can be grateful to them for reminding in this fashionable life of this most protective ingredient. But our Black Burra Sahebs who smoke through the mouth and let out through the nose and bang the table saying “what do our Indian brutes know of such useful things” are entirely wrong and pitifully ignorant!

Name is important?

Can any one assert that our ancestors and elders prescribed greens, fruits, vegetables, milk, etc., as additions to and as sole food for sustaining life, without knowing the existence of this useful ingredient present in these, now known as vitamins? Is it necessary to give new names and make test tube experiments to be credited with scientific knowledge?


Protein and fat are important for the structure and growth of the body. We examined this aspect in the earlier chapters. In the polished Rice diet, starch occupies 75 percent No special article has to be consumed for the sake of securing enough starch. It is not enough to have these only. A few decades ago the Scientific world came to know that a subtle product was found necessary to repair wastage, maintain health and induce growth. This was needed in minute quantities only. This had to be administered from without. The body did not produce this. This new discovery was grouped under the name of Vitamins.

Dr. Srinivasan

Dr. Srinivasan, M.A.,D.Sc.,A.I.C, has written a nice small book about Vitamins. We cannot disregard Vitamins judging from their size or weight. The deficiency diseases are caused by want of these Vitamins. The research into these diseases only brought to light the existence of these Vitamins to the modern world. The research into these diseases only brought to light the existence of these vitamins.

Vitamins – not single variety

At first people thought that there was only one variety of vitamin with reaction on the human system. Further research showed that this notion was wrong. The Vitamin is a big family consisting of several members distinctly individual and distantly related. The several members of this family go under different categories with differing reactions. So far they have separated Vitamin A,B,C,D,E,F. Each has got its own work in the protection and maintenance of the System.


This is very important vitamin. From its name after the first alphabet, one can imagine that it was discovered first. It stands mixed up in animal fat. Children’s growth suffers for want of this vitamin. Diseases will easily enter and create havoc. A disease of the eye called with a teeth breaking name, Xeropthalmia, comes due to want of this vitamin. Some have night blindness.

Source of Vitamin A

It is not difficult to get this vitamin. This is available in ghee, milk, curds, butter and the yellow part of the egg. The fish oils abound in this Vitamin. Cod liver oil, Haliburt liver oil and Shark liver oil contain these in large quantities.

In 100 grams – Available International Units

1. Cow’s Milk – 180
2. Buffalo Milk – 162
3. Goat Milk – 182
4. Hen’s Egg – 1,197
5. Duck’s Egg – 1,233
6. Cod liver oil – 45,000 to 1,68,000
7. Haliburt liver oil – 39,00,000
8. Shark liver oil Much greater than in either Cod or Haliburt liver oil

The last three contains cent per cent fat.

Doctors on seeing growthless children would advise the administration of Vitamin A. The nature of the defect will be seen now. Some children refuse even to drink milk. How will these drink the evil smelling oils?

From Vegetables

If the above said products are not available in plenty Vitamin A could be had in other ways. Some vegetables and greens have got a peculiar stuff called Carotene. If these are taken in, the liver converts these into Vitamin in the system. This carotene is available in cabbage, in spinach, in lettuce, green coriander leaves, Amaranth leaves, Drumstick leaves, margosa tender leaves, mango, Tomatoes and ripe Papai and orange. The Carrot contains also this stuff.

Vitamin A from green leaves

They calculate that each person requires 3,000 international units of Vitamin A per day. This can be made available from three ounces of coriander green leaves or Amaranth leaves. The statement given below will show how this vitamin can be had easily from what type of leaves-

In 100 grams – Available International Units

1. Coriander green leaves – 12,630
2. Amaranth – 2,500 to 11,000
3. Cabbage – 2,000
4. Drumstick leaves – 11,330
5. Margosa tender leaves – 4,560
6. Spinach – 2,630 to 3,000
7. Carrot – 2,020

Vitamin A will be available to the system in good quantities if the greens and vegetables are eaten fresh and uncooked. Ordinarily this does not get spoilt by cooking. The Vitamin A available in milk depends on the food of the cow. The children must be administered cod liver oil or some above stated fish oil. All the fresh green leaves will give this vitamin. When ghee is heated repeatedly this vitamin is killed.


Functions of Vitamin B, B1

Vitamin B is also very important. This was thought to be a single unit for a long time. Research has shown this to be incorrect. This is a very big householder. With its wife and children, this takes on the category of Vitamin B1, B2 and so on. This vitamin commands even grand children. B2 Vitamin is not a single unit, but has got many varieties submerged.

Vitamin B is a very mischievous person. The flesh and the nerves will degenerate if this vitamin is not found in the food. As this holds many varieties, this is known usually as Vitamin B Complex. The first part of this Vitamin is B1. It saves the nerve cells. Beri-Beri comes out of nervous degeneration. This disease is caused by want of Vitamin B1. This connected with the heart Vitamin Bl. One who had been starved of this vitamin will find his heart beating well when this vitamin is administered.

Vitamin B1 is very clever. This co-operates with the system for assimilating the food substances. There is growth of tissue cells. The mother does not have milk to suckle her child due to want of this vitamin. During pregnancy and lactation the mother should take greater quantities of this vitamin. In case this vitamin is absent many troubles will follow. The Adrenal is one of the Ductless glands. This controls the activity of the heart. When this gland gets affected the sympathetic system is also affected. The gastric juice production lessens. Glycogen to be found in the liver becomes deficient for want of this vitamin. Acid forms in the muscular tissues and the growth and functioning are affected.

Short tempred as Durvasa sage

This vitamin B1 appears to be a greater rogue than Vitamin A. This is capable of giving all sorts of difficulties to the system like the Durvasa sage if this is not attended to. Is this hidden in the skies? Or is it hidden in the gold? Or should we import this from England? It is not so. You can get this vitamin very easily. This can also be had from the thrown out refuse. This is just the king reigning in the bran.

Resides in unpolished rice

That which is washed out when the rice is rinsed thoroughly is this product. When the rice is extra polished this is lost. This is the wealth lost when the paddy is milled in the machine. This is the thing found in abundance in the hand-pounded unpolished rice. This health product cannot be found inspite of careful search in the machine rice.

Some one grandma lent her door to the neighbour and throughout the night sat keeping the dogs away from her door step! We give away the valuable vitamin B1 in the rice by polishing and rinsing and pouring away the conjee and then sit all day long driving away the disease dog! Man is supposed to be wiser than the beast!

Killing soda powder

Let bye-gones be bye-gones. What shall we do to get the Vitamin B1 ? If the hand-pounded unpolished rice, or the whole meal wheat flour or any whole grain is consumed in a suitable form, then Vitamin B1 will be available to the system. When tomatoes, lettuce, egg-yolk, cabbage, carrot, etc. are taken vitamin Bl is available. When over baked and soda is added no vitamin B will be available even if basket loads of vegetables are consumed.

For children and grown up people 3,000 international units of vitamin B1 are wanted. This can be had from 4 ounces of whole grain, or, millets, and six ounces of greens and vegetables, two or three ounces of dhal taken daily. (Coonoor Publication). Even with machine rice if the other protective foods mentioned above are taken, the deficiency is made up. But the all containing milk does not contain this essential vitamin Bl.



Vitamin B2 cannot be neglected. The health of the skin and the tone of the nerves depend on this vitamin. Anaemia also may result from a want of this vitamin. When B2 is increased more fat is also consumed.


Milk, Curds and white of the egg contain good quantities of this Vitamin B2. When these products are not available freely one can adopt a ruse. The Bakthas, the grandma and Madhvas should be befriended. Bakthas will give Bengal and other gram well baked. Grandma will give the Black gram mixed Dosais. In Madhvas homes the soup will be full of the red dhall.

Bengal gram, Black gram, Green gram, Milk, Curds and white of the egg contain good quantities of this Vitamin B2. Vitamin B12 is also necessary. This is available in good apples also.


For the skin disease known as Scurvy, Vitamin C is the most natural medicine. This affects the tissue cells layer just underneath the outer skin. For the maintenance of the structure of the blood vessels this is also essential. When this vitamin is deficient, blood boils will erupt. The bones will become brittle. The joints will become swollen. The gums protecting the teeth will get bad. The bladder will also be affected. The smaller intestines and the abdomen suffers. This Vitamin has got the power to cure the effects of tubercular germs. Vitamin C has to be administered in greater proportion to those suffering from this disease. This is also named Ascorbic acid.

To acquire Vitamin C

This vitamin lies hidden in Fruits, green leaves and vegetables. The fruits must be fresh. When the vegetables and greens dry up this Vitamin gets destroyed. Even cheap fruits contain this Vitamin. See the following tables:-

In 100 grams – Available Milligram

1. The orange – 67.7
2. Lime fruit juice- 62.5
3. The Goa fruit – 29.2
4. Pappai fruit – 45.5
5. The tomato – 39.2
(Coonoor Publication)

The Lime fruit is most commonly available. It is not difficult to find means to take the juice. This can be used instead of tamarind in soups. Butter-milk can have a dose of this juice. Cooked rice could mix with this juice and salt for taking in as a variety dish. Another best method is to make lime squash using good jaggery powder to give the sweet taste. This is called Panakam in Tamil.

Squeeze the juice of one or two lime fruits into a little water and add more water to make up a good sized tumbler full. Then cut clean jaggery into fine chips and mix enough to give the sweet taste. Then slowly sip the panakam. Even orange juice could be mixed with this.


Do not use white sugar. The white highly purified sugar is condemned by modern researches as diluting the food value of anything to which this is added. A grave warning has been issued. The white sugar has come to society as another bane like the white flour.

In other fruits

The goa is nice and needs no recommendation to eat. The tomato in India has received very great prominence recently. It is now found being cultivated all over India. The best thing is to eat this ripe and raw. Tomato soup is also good. This can be mashed and mixed with curds and used as side dish, (Thair pacchadi). You may consider that green chillies have this vitamin. If you taste this, disease will be yours and your money will go to the Doctor. If iron is lacking in the blood you cannot swallow iron filings. It must become available in a suitable form capable of doing good to the system.

In Vegetables and Green leaves

When tomatoes and fruits are not to be had this vitamin can be secured from vegetables, and green leaves. If this vegetable is baked, then this vitamin will be destroyed.

In 100 grams – Available Milligram

1. Cabbage – 124.2
2. Fresh Green coriander leaves -135.2
3. Beetroot -88.0
4. Grey gourd (Pushanikai) – 88.4
5. Cauliflower – 65.0
6. Drumstick – 119.6
7. Nuokol – 84.6
(Coonoor Publications)

In gram dhals

Vitamin C could be produced from Grams. Green gram and Bengal gram are best suited. Soak these in water for one day then spread this on wet floor and cover with a wet cloth and in a day or two these will sprout with tender shoots. This can be made into raw vegetables, salads and then eaten. This method preserves the vitamin entirely. This may also be slightly cooked for a few minutes and then eaten, with the addition of coconut chips and salt or jaggery powder. When a little tamarind water is sprinkled on the vegetables before cooking the vitamin is not destroyed but preserved. One hundred grammes of sprouted gram will yield 10 to 15 milligrams of Vitamin C. One person needs 30 to 50 milligrams of this vitamin per day.


Sun Bath

Man’s mentality is to neglect or reject what is within easy reach. When it is available as a remedy without expense that will not even be touched. To this category belongs Sunlight. We forget that in I Europe and other Northernmost countries people pray to have this precious sunlight. They know pretty well the value and utility of this light. They have created a ritual ofsunbath. Men, women and children with bodies exposed to the sun rays could be seen on the seashores, and other convenient places to get the ((£ benefit of this most valuable natural wealth.

Sun Worship

No need to wonder at this. Our ancestors had known well the value of sunlight. They have created to acquire the benefit of this the ritual called Surya Namaskaram (Sun Worship). The Namaskaram is there but the sun seems to have been forgotten! Are we not proficient in making Namaskars (bows)? Well trained we are in this, having made any number of them, day in and day out to the foreign Sircar, for getting titles and ingratiating oneself with the Burra Sahebs!

Sun Light

This Namaskaram had to be done only in Sunlight. When one understands the meaning of the words used in the praise of Sun God, the greatness of his radiance will become well known. Modern scientistshave come to know the great properties of sunlight. Vitamin D is produced by reaction through this sunlight. In our ignorance, we prevent this formation of Vitamin D by covering the body even unnecessarily.

Dress to suit the climate.

First comes the Banian over the body; then the shirt; over that a waist coat, with a thicker layer of a coat and more often than not a big woollen overcoat! How carefully the sunlight is excluded? Fearing that the light may penetrate through the neck, there is the extra adornment of muffler round the neck. If the white man in his cold country uses all these to keep himself warm, what has happened to the brains of our black Dorai? When the foreigner removes all the extra clothing and ramains in his pants and banian in our hot country at home, our Indian fashionable specimen, does not choose to give up even the collar and tie at home, much less the suit and the hat! We see these fanning the collar and tie nicely and fashionabbly! In Kaliyuga it is stated that the reaction for every action comes too quickly. Poor fashionables these, what sins these must have committed to suffer all these cloth burdens!


It is not only these that spurn the oncoming goddess of wealth and prosperity. There are the section of women who think that remaining at home is only their greatness and fate; they also hide themselves behind the purdah and carefully exclude the sunlight.

Children’s growth will suffer in absence of Vitamin D. Bones will become brittle. They will not get strong. Calcium in the blood will go down. Teeth also will not grow properly.

Source of Vitamin D

This Vitamin D is not available in Nature in isolation. Cod liver oil and other fish oils and the egg yolk contain Vitamin D. Butter also has this vitamin.

Sun’s heat is harmful

The best method of getting this vitamin is to have it from the sunlight. There are certain rules to be observed in this. The body will come to grief if it is exposed to the scorching rays of the midday sun. the sun’s heat is harmful. What is good is the sunlight. The body will bear for a little while only a small quantity of heat. The sunlight devoid of sunheat must be administered to the body.

The administration of sunlight to get rid of various disorders, has grown into a Science. In India the sun’s heat is great. The early morning and the late evening sun can be made to fall on the body. The sunlight can be absorbed by the body by indirect exposure also.


Vitamin E is a necessary ingredient. When this and other vitamin F do not get into the system, then sterility and impotency will result. Vitamin E is available in whole wheat, hand-pounded and unpolished rice, milk, egg and lettuce. Vitamin K protects the quality of the blood. The Vitamin P found in red pepper is necessary for the capillaries and smaller blood vessels.

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