Milk or Medical Bill
On what do you want to spend your income? Ten rupee could be saved from the medical bill if a rupee is spent for milk. This fact is easily verified by experience. Dietetic science also affirms this truth. The diseased stunted youths, should ponder over this. Those who are ill, not all of them suffer from poverty!
Worshipful Milk
The pseudo-philosopher found ornamenting generally the village pyals, may jump up and say that the greatness of milk can be seen only in coffee. But the ancestors of this lazy lot had never known coffee much less been mad after it. They have raised milk to the skies and deified the cow. Even the Lord is believed by the Hindu as resting on an ocean of milk and worshipped as such, raising to great heights the milk. Even today the cow is worshipped as the giver of all health and prosperity in our country. And to us the greatness of milk has to filter into our brain, by Western propoaganda! Our mentality has degenerated and slavishly apes the White civilisation. Cannot we accept this gospel of greatness of milk from the Call of the West at least?
The Puranas designate various deities and divine forces as residing in the various parts of the cow. We may not have seen these with our eyes and verified. But even without lighting lamps for the Navagrahas, the nine planets governing man’s fortune, we can make out easily the reason for the deification of this most useful animal on earth. It is the milk, the yield of the cow that gives greatness to the cow.
Milk and Whitists
“Hello Brother, if milk is so important, will those great beings who invented the aeroplanes, the steam engine and the Bomb and Radio, keep quiet about this article?” Some member of the Tea-swallowing brother hood may question and cynically laugh. The Westerners are not sleeping as this aper may think. Many have woke up and are broadcasting the benefits of this Kamdhenu, the fulfiller of all desires, the cow. Even now in the White countries ‘drink more milk’ campaign is in full swing.
Milk bars are prominently placed in gardens, at junctions, petty shops, entrances of schools and colleges and hotels and brisk business and vending are carried on to men and women of all ages and occupations. The benefits of milk are paraded in big posters street after street and before congregations. Without exception one and all, purchase and drink from these milk bars.
What a shameful contrast we have in our towns and villages! The Coffee and Tea business rules our tastes and Governments. Propaganda Vans of these devilish devastating drinks are stationed before schools and colleges, squares and restaurants, and the poison is freely vended to sap the growing youth and the tottering poor.
Unquestioned, these capitalists advertise in disregard of health laws, that these are special beverages for increase and maintenance of health. Oh Authority please wake up, stop this rampant mischief. Sinful international Law once allowed the drugging of the Chinese with Opium, a crime in the eyes of the Creator.
But how! Have the Races responsible for this demoralising degeneracy benefitted by this sinful money? To-day in India, its youth and women are sacrificed to these satanic drinks of Coffee and Tea by an indifferent Government! With the low standard of income the ravages of these on health and finance are immeasurable and an entire Nation is being depleted of its vitality! May the Lord save us in His Mercy! Read what is now said about coffee the faiantist by the scientists.
Milk Propaganda
The West has not suddenly gone crazy to grow so enthusiastic over milk. The Big Bugs in the medical world, had made research, and have come to the conclusion that the low standard of health in their country was due to the poor and inadequate consumption of milk. This is the verdict in a place where the average age of a human being is more than fifty! They are not satisfied with their health and want more milk. We the wiseacres here, are very satisfied, but want more Coffee and Tea!
These Free people under their National Regime have discovered that milk gives all that is desirable for a happy and healthy existence, namely, protein, iodine, vitamin, sugar, minerals, calcium, etc. They also got to know that these are present in milk in a state which could be easily absorbed into the system. Propaganda is in full swing in their country, that milk greatly enriches the blood and prevents disorders and diseases.
To drink Milk
We have learnt without tution, the white man’s tie, collar, hat, boots, cigar, coffee, whisky and such great things! Should not we learn to imitate his habit of drinking milk also? Ask our coloured Lords who offer daily incense at the altar of western civilisation! Even he with a scratch of the head will admit ‘Comrade, what the Indians hold and say in the matter of milk, seems right!’ Tie, collar and whisky have come to us very easily. In no time, we have become slaves to ultra fashions and the palate. Those who think as to whether milk should be drunk like children, will become old even in their twenties. They cannot but become victims to deficiency diseases. We must lose our property and happiness to the very doctor who is adorned in coller, tie, boots and cigar!
Milk, the whole diet
Milk is an all round food. With the addition of some fruits a man can live in health with milk alone. The secretion of the thyroid gland depends for its essential contents on the milk. The importance of the thyroid will become clear to those who have read my book YheYogic Physical Culture. Dynamic health depends on the thyroid. Protein is secured from milk. During illness and convalescence milk forms the most essential diet. It can resist disease. Many medicines require only a milk diet. To get rid of leprosy through Yoga, milk is the only food allowed. Bones become strong. Children depend on milk to attain growth. When milk does not form the predominant portion of the diet, health will surely be poor and impaired in adult life.
Those who reduce milk actually reduce their health. The money that is cut off from milk will only go to swell the income of the doctor. Awake and arise my countrymen, bow to this great truth of our ancients!