Tuberculosis is one of the most dreaded diseases. It is a major health problem in India and often rated the number one killer. It affects eight to nine million people at any one time and over five lakh people die of this disease every year in this country. This disease is also called consumption as it consumes the body and reduces the patient to a skeleton.
Tuberculosis has a very ancient origin. Traces of the existence of this disease have been found in Egyptian mummies as early as 5,000 B.C. It is described as Rajrog or the king of diseases in the Vedas. The noted ancient physicians, Charaka and Sushruta thought that it was difficult to cure. Aristotle expressed pity for the unfortunate ” consumptives. ”
Tuberculosis is caused by a tiny germ called tubercle bacillus which is so small that it can be detected only by a microscope. The germ enters the body through the nose, mouth and the windpipe and settles down in the lungs. It multiplies by millions and produces small raised spots called tubercles. Sometimes this germ is called Kock’s bacillus and the disease, Kock’s disease after the name of Prof. Kock ( 1843-1910) who discovered this germ in March 1882.
Tuberculosis is not hereditary but an infectious or communicable disease. Those suffering from the disease for a considerable time eject living germs while coughing or spitting and when then enter the nose or mouth of healthy persons, they contract the disease. The spread of the disease is helped considerably by overcrowded and dirty conditions. Mouth-breathing and kissing as well as contaminated food and water are also responsible for spreading this disease. Tuberculosis does not spread merely by touching the persons suffering from it.
Tuberculosis is of four types, namely of lungs, intestines, bones and glands. Pulmonary tuberculosis or tuberculosis of the lungs is by far the most common type of tuberculosis. It commences normally with a dry cough. The patient loses strength, colour and weight and is unable to carry on his normal work. Other symptoms are a rise in temperature especially in the evening, hoarseness, difficulty in breathing, pain in the shoulders, indigestion, chest pain, and blood in the sputum.
Lowered resistance or devitalisation of the system is the chief cause of this disease. Most people have the germs present at all times, but they do not have developed the disease unless their bodies are in a weakened condition. This condition is brought about mainly by mineral starvation of the tissues of the body due to an inadequate diet and the chief mineral concerned is calcium.
In many ways, therefore, tuberculosis is the disease of calcium-deficiency. There can be no breakdown of the tissue and no tubercular growth when there is an adequate supply of organic calcium in the said tissue. Thus, an adequate supply of organic calcium in the system together with other organic mineral matter is a sure preventive of the development of tuberculosis.
Lowered resistance also results from a variety of other factors such as suppression of diseases by drugs and medication, use of stale, devitaminised and acid- forming foods, eating wrong combination of foods, such as taking fruits with starchy foods at one meal, causing fermentation inthe stomach; wasting of energy through excessive loss of semen and living in ill-ventilated houses.
Other causes include exposure to cold, loss of sleep, impure air, sedentary life , overwork, contaminated milk, use of tobacco in any form, liquor of all kinds, tea, coffee and all harmful drinks. These factors prepare the ground for the growth of germs of various kinds, including the tubercle bacillus. These germs, which may be present in the body, are quite harmless for those who are full of vitality and natural resistance.