Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Tooth Decay

Tooth-decay or dental caries is the main cause for loss of teeth. It is characterized by bacteria-induced progressive destruction of the mineral and organic components of the enamel and dentine, the two outer layers of the tooth. It is considered to be one of the most common diseases of modern age caused, in large measure, by eating denatured foods of today, which are too soft and too sweet.

Good teeth are an important part of one’s health and appearance. They play a very important role in the digestion. One can look at one’s best with a good smile, which emanates from good teeth.


In the beginning, the tooth may be merely sensitivity to hot and cold substances in the mouth and to pressure from biting. Later, an abscess forms at the base of the tooth and the pain becomes severe. If the tooth is not properly treated, it will eventually have to be extracted.


Tooth-decay results from faulty diet. The most common cause of this disease is the consumption of soft drinks, cakes, pastries, refined carbohydrates an sugar in all forms. Lack of balance between carbohydrates and proteins and insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals also contribute to this disease.

Food particles lodged in the mouth provide a suitable place for the growth of bacteria. These, in turn, produce a local acid reaction which then attacks the surface of the tooth. Minute cracks or defects in the enamel, or hard outer covering of the tooth may also lead to this process. Once the enamel has been eroded away, the body of the tooth is more easily damaged.

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