Acupressure: Acupressure for Men’s Problems

The problems of men usually result from an unbalanced development due to the disturbances in the sex glands. These are noticed at the time of puberty. Every child must therefore be given proper knowledge about sex, so that at the time of growth, that is from the age of 10 to 21, he can understand the changes occuring in his body and control them. Here, Acupressure, can play a helpful role. If a child is given this treatment from the early age of 6 to 7 years onwards, all the problems of puberty, self-abuse, delinquency and the resultant physical and mental disturbances can be avoided. It is, therefore, most vital to teach Acupressure therapy to the growing children.

However, there are many growing youths suffering silently from these problems and too shy or nervous to take the treatment openly. They can solve their problems and gain self-confidence simply by taking this treatment especially on Point Nos. 11 to 15 and all the points of endocrine glands. Even in the case of those youths who are normal, this treatment will prevent them from going astray. It should be remembered that semen is not meant for wasting.

After the age of 17 /18, if semen is discharged in dreams once in a while, there is no need to worry. However, if it becomes regular, it requires proper treatment. Just as raw clay pots are put into a furnace and treated with heat; if semen is preserved properly till the age of 24 or more till marriage, sex problems after marriage could be avoided. Further, this properly cultured semen will be the basis of good, virile health. Also, it is the basis of spiritual development.


The same treatment is useful and effective in all the problems relating to less sexual desire, less satisfaction, etc. In short, this treatment is useful wherever hormone treatment is necessary. (Point Nos. 11 to 15)

Less Desire/Less satisfaction/Early ejaculation : The root cause of all these problems may be masturbation before marriage. The cause could also be excess heat in the body which causes thinning of semen. And this is discharged in sleep during erotic dreams and then through urine-called discharge of Albumin. To correct this problem do as under :

(a) Control sex and reduce frequency of intercourse.
(b) Remove excess heat
(c) Take treatment on all endocrine glands twice a day.
(d) Drink daily two glasses of gold/silver/copper/iron charged water reduced from four glasses of water for 60/120 days.
(e) Drink 2 to 3 cups of green juice adding in each cup 1 teaspoon of health drink and 1 table spoon of honey.
(f) Take “FIVE PHOS.” 6 or 12, 3-3 pills in morning and evening.
(g) Treatment may be taken on the points

Moreover, after the age of 45-50, this treatment on Points 11 to 15 is useful in maintaining the heat of the body, controlling the prostate gland and thereby preventing hernia, old-age weakness and insomnia and overcoming all the problems of male climactory (known as menopause for men).

People following the spiritual path, if disturbed by erotic dreams and discharge, can successfully try this treatment on Point Nos. 11 to 15 and control shown below.

Control: Take a rubber ball of about 1 -” to 2″ diameter (like a tennis ball.) Place it under the seat between anus and testicles when loose clothes are worn. Sit on the ball for 5 to 10 minutes twice a day. This method can be tried by women also and is very effective in leucorrhoea

How to increase Spermatoza in semen :

(1) Abstain from Sex.
(2) Keep control as mentioned above.
(3) Drink 2 glasses of gold/silver/copper charged water reduced from 6 glasses.
(4 ) Take one dry fig and one dry date; cut them into small pieces and soak them in one cup of water. Next day morning drink this water, chew the small pieces of fig and date. And drink one cup of hot milk adding therein crystal sugar and one cardamom. Within 2 to 6 months sperms will increase to normal level.

Fertility : In about 75 % of the cases, where the couple does not have a child, even after 3 to 15 years of marriage, it is found that the problem is with the husband. The above mentioned treatment is found useful and can be taken by both. This treatment surely increases the sperm count, corrects hormonal imbalance and increases the possibility of getting a child. In all such cases, it is advisable to take treatment to remove the excess heat from the body and also for V.D., Cancer of prostate or uterus (for females), H.I.V., if any.

Hydrocele : One of the root cause is weak digestive system and the other root cause is excessive sex. The valve allowing cerebro spinal fluid to enter into the testes and allowing this fluid to go back becomes weak. And so the fluid which enters testes does not go back properly is retained in the testes and the testes become bulging.

Cure : Do the treatment and exercises as mentioned for Hernia. Also whenever you go to the toilet, squeeze the testes and wash them with cold water.

Also press on point Nos. 11 to 15.

You will be able to control this problem and prevent operation.

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