Aromatherapy: Advanced Magical Blends for Magical Empowerment

Astral Travel (g)

frankincense! (MA)
myrrh! (MA)
cypress (MA)
jasmine (MA)

Background and use: The design of this oil blend was conceived with the intention of helping those encountering difficulty in successfully exploring astral travel. It has reportedly not only been an asset to the new voyager to astral worlds but has also helped the more experienced astral traveler to gain access to the unseen planes. It may be used as an incense but is more preferred as a personal anointing oil.

Celtic Virtue (g)

bay (MA)
bergamot! (MA)
juniper (MA)
pine (mi)
carnation (mi)
apple (T)
elderberry (T)

Background and use: By special request, Celtic Virtue was designed to bring out the old Celtic values of honor, courage, strength, justice, and camaraderie. It is used as an anointing oil and helps to awaken genetic, or ancestral, memories for those who are following a spiritual path reflecting the old Celtic cultures.

Concentration (v)

myrrh! (MA)
violet (mi)
cinnamon! (T)

Background and use: Used as a personal anointing oil, incense, or chakra treatment, this blend is designed to enhance the mental awareness of the individual, enabling him or her to function at his or her best.

Courage (v)

jasmine (MA)
pine (mi)
bay (T)
clove! (T)

Background and use: An adaptation of a traditional formula, this preparation is intended to bring out and enhance an individual’s innate qualities of courage and conviction.

Divination (v)

musk (MA)
ambergris (mi)
vetivert (mi)
violet (mi)
lilac (mi)

Background and use: Divination oil is intended to open up the psychic facilities for clarity and increased insight. It is often used as an anointing oil on the forehead (third eye) and the temples.

Divine Man (v)

patchouli (MA)
pine (mi)
cedarwood (mi)

Background and use: A variation of a formula known by some as God Oil, the purpose of this blend is to bring out a man’s spirituality, aligning his mind, heart, and soul with the spirit of the gods who have been worshipped throughout the history of the world’s religions.

Divine Woman (v)

frankincense! (MA)
sandalwood (MA)
jasmine (MA)
lotus (MA)
elderberry (T)

Background and use: A variation of a formula known by some as Goddess Oil, the purpose of this blend is to bring out a woman’s spirituality, aligning her mind, heart, and soul with the spirit of the goddesses who have been worshiped throughout the history of the world’s religions.

Dreams (g)

magnolia (MA)
mimosa (MA)
orange! (MA)
violet (MA)

Background and use: This blend is intended to enhance the quality of dreams and provide knowledge and psychic insights to the dreamer who uses it. It may be used as a personal anointing oil, as an anointing for external agents in sympathetic magic, or used in any of the methods of application designed to scent the room in which the individual sleeps.

Fantasy (g)

sandalwood (MA)
musk (mi)
galangal (mi)
cinnamon! (T)
clove! (T)

Background and use: Fantasy Oil originated with the spirit of the New Age. It was created to enhance the imagination and the sense of fantasy. Many of the traditional arts and sciences, like divination, healing, and visualization, are rooted in the foundation of fertile imagination. To develop skill in these endeavors it may be necessary to first develop a sound sense of free-flowing fantasy.

Meditation (g)

gardenia (MA)
violet (MA)
mimosa (MA)
myrrh! (MA)

Background and use: Used as an anointing oil on the crown and head chakras, meditation oil can enhance the depth of meditative journeys. It may also enhance the quality of insightful realization and any other benefits of meditation techniques.

Psychic Power (g)

cedarwood (MA)
myrrh! (MA)
violet (MA)
musk (mi)
ambergris (mi)

Background and use: This is a preparation that is designed to do for the development of psychic facilities what Power Oil does for magical skills.

Spiritual Oil (t)

sandalwood (MA)
frankincense! (MA)
rose (MA)
cedarwood (mi)
jasmine (mi)

Background and use: As an anointing oil, fragrant bath, or incense, this blend promotes the attainment of higher levels of spiritual realization. It has a dual effect in that it brings to the surface one’s own spirituality while also inviting the goodness of external forces to come to the user.

Vision Quest (g)

cedarwood (MA)
hyacinth (mi)
violet (mi)

Background and use: Originally developed for an individual who leads people on a spiritual journey of self-discovery, this preparation may help to open up the individual seeker enough to expedite his or her journey through the world of spiritual insight and attainment. It is intended for use primarily as a personal anointing oil.

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