Aromatherapy: Advanced Magical Blends

Due to the varied nature of the magical blends in both origin and method of application, each of the magical formulas includes a short statement indicating the nature, origin, or history of the blend as well as an indication of the possible use of the blended fragrance.

Like the presentation of therapeutic remedies, the possible combinations of magical mixtures is without limit.

It would be impossible to include all the potential variances of combinations. Even the inclusion of all those blends that have become a part of my own limited practice would produce an unwieldy formulary. However, with those that have been included, there is a good cross-section of varying blends that are addressed to specific purposes.

The blends included here are of three main types. While the same codes (MA, mi, and T) have been carried over as a guideline for determining the amount of each individual component, there have been some additional codes included specifically for the magical blends. These will indicate whether the formula is a traditional formula (t), a personal design (g), or a variation adapted from a traditional oil blend (v).

Again, it should be emphasized that, as was the case with the therapeutic blends, the formulae that have been included are written in a loose, non-stringent manner in order to accommodate the individual creativity and expertise of the magical practitioner.

The system used to catalog these formulae is the creation of different sections for each of the general magical intentions.

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