Not one of the more common oils, spikenard nevertheless has had a long history of usage. There is a bible story that relates the tale of a devoted wo-man who anointed the feet of Christ with precious oil believed to be spikenard. Even at that time, as much as 2,000 years ago, this aromatic essential was dear to obtain. In today’s money, it would have cost $300-$400 for a small container of the scent.
Even today, spikenard oil is not one of the more common oils, and may be more obtain-able in a synthetic form than as a natural essential. Many practi-tioners have simply eliminated spikenard from their selection of essentials. However, those who do continue to use this ancient treasure, though they may use it sparingly, value its place among their essentials very highly.
Planetary Influence: Saturn
Secondary Planet: Neptune
Elemental Association: Water
Secondary Element: Earth
Zodiac Influence: Capricorn, Pisces
Mental/Emotional Effects: Brings strength and comfort
Healing Properties: Treats migraine headaches, defeats stress, increases confidence
Magical Properties: Erings strength, confidence, and promotes self-esteem