Originally produced from the musk glands of animals, musk is one of the earliest fragrance aphrodisiacs. Today, with a greater awareness of preserving nature’s balance and an increased kindness to the creatures who inhabit the earth, most available musk oil is synthetic. There are many variations of musk oil on the market. In fact, there is one manufacturer that lists seven different types of musk in its catalog. Most people who utilize the oil settle on one of the more adaptable versions, like sweet musk, and use it in all blends for which it is appropriate. Within my own complement of oils there are two different types of musk oil: sweet musk and earthy musk. (However, I have also come across oils presented as Egyptian musk, black musk, and African musk.) This is largely a matter of personal preference and a desire to be able to fine-tune the resulting blend rather than for absolute necessity.
Planetary Influence: Sun
Secondary Planet: Venus
Elemental Association: Earth
Secondary Element: Fire
Zodiac Influence: Leo, Sagittarius
Mental/Emotional Effects: Awakens instinct
Healing Properties: Spurs on the body’s own capacity for self-healing
Magical Properties: Passion, sex, lust; used by both sexes to attract a mate.