Before undertaking any magical working, write down the names of those who are directly involved. If this undertaking is unquestionably to the greatest benefit of all those listed, draw a circle around the names. Next, consider those who might be once removed from the immediate cast of players. Is this act to the greater benefit of these people—the brothers, sisters, parents, and closest friends? If you can honestly see benefit, draw another circle around this cast of characters once removed. Finally, take the analysis out to another level.
Consider the grocer, the teacher, the clergy, the neighborhood poet, and the village idiot. Will the completion of this magical act be favorable in their lives? If so, then draw a third circle. If you can get through three circles, then what you are about to do is an act of righteous goodness and worthy of the effort. If you cannot get through three circles, or don’t know enough about the situation to answer whether this is a positive change or not, then it is an ill-advised action. It is wise to not enter into it or at least to put it aside until you learn more about the situation.
For another example of this three-circle system in action, assume that you are about to take on a love rite. Draw three concentric circles. In the center, place the names of the two who will be bonded together, say Mary and Roger. Is this something that will impact Mary in a positive manner? How about Roger? If the undertaking is something that will be a positive change for both people involved, you’ve passed the first level of responsibility. Congratulations! Now, on to the next level.
In the second circle, write the names of those in the immediate sphere of the two lovers. How will this action affect Mary’s mother, her brother, her pet tarantula? Well, Mary’s mother adores Roger, and her brother has already asked to be the best man should they marry. The tarantula seems as comfortable with Roger as he does with Mary. Looks good. So what about the other side? How will this union affect the aunt and uncle that raised Roger? What about Roger’s sister? What about Roger’s . . . wife?! Uh-oh! See the need for responsible action?
Let’s take it to another level. Suppose there is no wife, and everyone in the immediate lives of the would-be lovers are all for their union. What about Mary’s mother’s bridge club? What about her brother’s fiancee? What about Roger’s Uncle’s fishing buddies? What about his sister’s best friend? A little obtuse? Perhaps—but only if it is possible to get through all three levels of investigation can you enter into the magical rites honorably. If there is a problem, maybe this undertaking is not such a good idea. If you can’t even get to the third level, perhaps you don’t know enough about the situation to even consider magical process. There is a fine line between help and meddling.
Whatever the approach to a magical endeavor, having observed the proper ceremony to ensure the responsibility of the operation and chosen a method of working, there are many areas to be pursued in regard to the magical effect of the medium of aromas. In addition to their physical attributes, essential oils also have magical properties that should be observed for maximum effectiveness in the magical arena.