Water Therapy: How to Give Water Affusions?

Experts consider affusions a characteristic hydrotherapeutic treatment. One typical feature of affusions is the precise regulation of the direction of the water stream on the body. Affusions have a tonic effect. There are both simple affusions, making use of a stream of water without pressure, and affusions under pressure. Thus, there are two factors to consider in calculating the amount of stimulus : thermal and mechanical.

Experts claim that the water should surround the body like a coat. The primary effect of an affusion under pressure is mechanical. In simple affusions the temperatures used are extremely cold. In certain circumstances there can be an alternation of lukewarm and hot affusions. As in the case of all hydrotherapeutic uses of water, the patient’s body and especially the feet should be warmed before and after the cold affusions. The length of the affusion depends on the individual reaction of each part of the body. A uniform reddening of the skin should take place.

Knee Affusion – Cold Temperature

Indications : Vascular headaches, poor blood circulation in legs, elevated body temperature, varicose veins.
Contraindications : Menstruation, sciatic pain, bladder or kidney infection, cold feet, oversensitivity to cold, low blood pressure.
Equipment : inch hose, V/i feet long.
Effects : Reduces blood pressure, increases arterial blood flow, stimulates venous blood flow, helps relieve insomnia.
Procedure : 1. Cold Knee Affusion, Back Side
Temperature : 65°F. The client inhales and exhales evenly during the beginning of the cold affusion. The affusion begins on the outside part of the right foot. Hose upwards along the calf three to four inches above the popliteal space (the back part of the leg behind the knee). Maintain position until the skin turns red, then move downwards inside the calf to the heel. Direct the hose at the left popliteal space and switch from left popliteal space to right, then back to left. Then hose down the inside of the left calf to the heel. Move to the front side.

Procedure : 2. Cold Knee Affusion, Front Side

Temperature : 65°F. The client breathes evenly while the cold affusion begins on the outside of the foot. Hose the front part of the leg upwards three to four inches to the knee cap. Stay in place until the skin turns red, then hose downwards inside the calf to the toes. Repeat the same stroke on the left leg. Continue the affusion above the knee and switch from left knee cap to the right one and back again. Then hose downwards inside the left calf to the toes. Conclude with circular affusion on the bottom of both feet. Wipe water off with hands. Do not towel dry. The affusion should be followed by active exercise. The legs should be kept warm by having the client to exercise or wear socks in bed.

Knee Affusion – Alternate Temperature

Indications : Vascular headaches, poor blood circulation in the legs, elevated body temperature, chronic cold feet.
Contraindications : Menstruation, sciatic pain, bladder or kidney infection, varicose veins, low blood pressure, persistent chills.
Effects : Reduces blood pressure, increases arterial blood flow, relaxes, relieves insomnia.
Equipment : 3A inch hose, 3’/z feet long

Procedure :1.

Warm Affusion, Back Side

Temperature : 97-100°F. Start on the outside part of the right foot. Hose upwards along the calf (one hand width above the popliteal space). Maintain position until the client feels warm and a light redness of the skin appears. Continue downwards inside the calf. Repeat the same stroke on the left leg. Move to the front side.

Warm Affusion, Front Side

Temperature : 97-100°F. Start on the outside part of the right foot. Hose the front part of the leg upwards (one hand width above the knee cap). Maintain position until the client feels warm and a light redness of the skin appears. Continue downwards inside the calf. Repeat the same stroke on the left leg. Proceed with cold affusion.

Procedure : 2. Cold Affusion, Back Side

Temperature : 65°F. The client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the outside of the right foot. Hose upwards along the calf to one hand width above the knee cap. Hose across the popliteal space then downwards inside the calf. Repeat the same stroke on the left leg. Move to the front side.

Cold Affusion, Front Side

Temperature : 65°F. The client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the -mtside of the right foot. Hose the front part of the leg upwards (to one hand width above the knee cap). Hose across the knee cap, then downwards inside the calf. Repeat the same stroke on the left leg. 3. Repeat Warm Affusion. 4. Repeat Cold Affusion.

5. Finish with Cold Circular Allusion on the bottom of both feet. Wipe off water with both hands. Do not towel dry. Have client rest for one hour and keep the body warm.

Leg Affusion – Cold Temperature

Indications : Unstable cardiovascular system, varicose veins, poor blood circulation in legs.
Contraindications : Menstruation, oversensitivity to cold, sciatic pain, bladder or kidney infection, cold feet, low blood pressure.
Effects : Reduces blood pressure, increases arterial blood ilow, stimulates venous blood How, relaxes. Equipment : % inch hose, 3l/z feet long.

Procedure : 1. Cold Leg Affusion, Back Side

Temperature : 65°F. The client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the outside of the right foot. Hose upwards along the outside of the leg to the gluteus. Maintain position until skin reddens, then move downwards inside the leg to the heel. Repeat the same stroke on the left leg but stay with the affusion on the gluteus and switch from left side to right and back to the left side. Then continue hosing downwards inside the left leg to the heel. Move to the front side.

Procedure : 2. Cold Leg Affusion, Front Side

Temperature : 65°F. The client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the outside of the right foot. Hose upwards on the front part of the leg to the inguinal space. Maintain position until the skin appears red, then move downwards inside the leg to the toes. Repeat the same stroke on the left leg, but continue affusion on the inguinal space and switch from left side to right then to left side again. Continue hosing downwards inside the left leg to the toes. Conclude with cold circular affusion on the bottom of both feet. Wipe off water with hands. Do not towel dry.

The affusion should be followed by active exercise or one hour of bed rest.

Leg Affusion – Alternate Temperature

Indications : Poor blood circulation, insomnia. Contraindications : Menstruation, sciatic pain, bladder or kidney infection, oversensitivity to cold.
Effects : Reduces blood pressure, enhances blood circulation, increases arterial blood flow, stimulates venous blood flow, relaxes.
Equipment : 3A inch hose, 3Vz feet long. Procedure : 1. Warm Affusion, Back Side Temperature : 97-100°F. Start on the outside of the right foot. Hose upwards along the outside of the leg to the gluteus. Maintain the hose position until the client feels warm and the skin reddens. Continue down the inside of the leg to the toes. Repeat the same stroke for the left leg. Move to the front side.

Warm Affusion, Front Side

Temperature : 97-100°F. Start on the right outside of the right foot. Hose up along the outside of the leg to the inguinal space. Maintain the hose position until the client feels warm and the skin reddens. Continue down the inside of the leg to the toes. Repeal the same stroke on the left leg. Proceed with cold affusion.

Procedure : 2. Cold Affusion, Back Side

Temperature : 65°F. The client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the outside of the right foot. Hose up along the lateral part of the leg to the gluteus. Maintain hose position (but not for as long as the warm affusion). Continue down the inside of the leg. Repeat the stroke on the left side. Move to the front side.

Cold Affusion, Front Side

Temperature : 65°. The client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the outside of the right foot. Hose up along the outside of the leg to the inguinal space. Maintain hose position.

Continue downwards inside the leg to the toes. Repeat the same stroke on the left side. 3. Repeat Warm Affusion, Front Side. 4. Repeat Cold Affusion, Back Side. 5. Finish with Cold Circular Affusion on the bottom of both feet. Wipe off the water with hands. Have client rest for one hour. Make sure the body stays warm.

Full Body Affusion – Cold Temperature

Indications : Weak immune system
Contraindications : Menstruation, sciatica, bladder or kidney infection, chronic cold feet, oversensitivity to cold, arteriosclerosis, blood pressure disorders.
Effects : Stabilises vegetative nervous system, increases metabolic rate, increases blood circulation.
Equipment : Shower hose.
Procedure : 1. Cold Affusion, Back Side
Temperature : 65°F. Client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the right foot. Hose up along the leg to the gluteus, then down inside the leg to the heel. Hose up from the left foot along the leg to the gluteus. Move from the gluteus to the right hand. Move up the right arm to the shoulder. Move down the spine on the right side. Move from under the gluteus to the left hand. Move up the left arm to the shoulder, then switch from left side to right and back to left side again. Move down spine on the left side to the gluteus, then down the inside of the left leg to the heel.

Procedure : 2. Cold Affusion, Front Side

Temperature : 65°F. Client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the right foot. Hose up the front part of the leg to the inguinal space. Move down the inside of the leg to the toes. Move from the inguinal space to the right hand, then to the shoulder. Move down the right side of the sternum to the inguinal space. Move to the left hand, then up the left arm to the shoulder. Hose the left side, then the right, and back to the left side. Move down the left side of the sternum. Hose the abdomen clockwise, then down the inside of the left leg to the toes. Finish with a cold circular affusion on the bottom of both feet. Wipe off the water with hands. Do not towel dry. The affusion should be followed with rest.

Arm Affusion – Cold Temperature

Indications : Fatigue, heart palpitations, low blood pressure.
Contraindications : Coronary heart ailments, asthma. Effects : Refreshes, stimulates blood flow. Equipment : Shower hose.
Procedure : Cold Affusion, Right and Left Arm
Temperature : 65°F. Upper body is bent over the affusion rack (bathtub). The client inhales and exhales evenly while the cold affusion begins on the back side of the right hand.

Hose up the outside of the arm to the shoulder. Stay in place, then move downwards inside the arm to the palm. Switch to the left arm. Repeal the procedure three to four times. Wipe the water off with hands. Do not towel dry. The affusion should be followed by active exercise or one hour of rest.

Arm Affusion – Alternate Temperature

Indications : Fatigue, heart palpitations, low blood pressure.
Contraindications : Coronary heart ailments, asthma. Effects : Refreshes, stimulates blood circulation. Equipment : Shower hose.
Procedure : 1. Warm Affusion, Right and Left Arm
Temperature : 97-100°F. Upper body is bent over the affusion rack. Start on the back side of the right hand. Move up the outside of the arm to the shoulder. Maintain position until the client feels warm and a slight redness appears. Continue to hose downwards inside the arm to the palms. Repeat to the left arm.

Procedure : 2. Cold Affusion, Right and Left Arm

Temperature : 65°E Start on the back side of the right hand and hose up the outside of the arm to the shoulder. Maintain hose position. Continue down inside the right arm to the palm of the hand.
3. Repeat Warm Affusion.
4. Repeat Cold Affusion.
5. Wipe the water off with hands. Do not towel dry.The affusion should be followed by active exercise or one hour of bed rest.

Face Affusion – Cold Temperature

Indications : Fatigue, headache, migraine.
Contraindications : Glaucoma (eye ailments or disorders), acute sinusitis.
Effects : Refreshes, stimulates blood circulation, reduces wrinkles.
Equipment : Shower hose.
Temperature : 65°F.
Procedure : Place towel around neck. Throughout the affusion, the client should inhale through the mouth. If necessary, interrupt hosing momentarily so client can catch his or her breath. Start hosing on the right temple, then the forehead and then the left temple. Move back across forehead and up and down the left cheek. Finish hosing with three clockwise rotations. Dry face with a towel.

Chest Affusion – Cold Temperature

Indications : Weak immune system, overall fatigue.
Contraindications : Asthma, oversensitivity to cold.
Effects : Increases metabolic rate, refreshes, increases tissue elasticity through increased blood circulation.
Equipment : 3A inch hose, 3/z feet long.
Procedure : Upper body is bent over affusion rack. Start hosing on the right hand, moving up the outside of the arm to the shoulder. Continue to hose shoulder until a slight redness appears. Hose down inside of the arm to the hand. Repeat the same stroke on the left side. Move the hose inside the left arm up to the armpit again, crossing back over the chest twice. Then hose the chest in a figure of eight pattern, moving back to the armpit, down the inside of the arm, to the hand. Wipe off the water with hands. Do not towel dry. The affusion should be followed by active exercise or one hour of bed rest.

Chest Affusion – Alternate Temperature

Indications : Weak immune system, overall fatigue, low blood pressure, cold hands, oversensitivity to cold.
Contraindications : Coronary heart ailments, asthma.
Effects : Increases metabolic rate, refreshes, stimulates blood circulation and blood flow.
Equipment : 3A inch hose, 3]A feet long. Procedure : 1. Warm Affusion
Temperature : 97-100°F. Upper body is bent over affusion rack. Start hosing on the back side of the right hand, and move up the outside of the arm to the shoulder. Maintain hose position until client feels warm and the skin appears red. Then hose down inside of the arm to the hand. Repeat the same stroke on the left side. Then go up inside the left arm up to the armpit, crossing back over the chest twice. Hose the chest in a figure of eight pattern. Move back to the armpit and down the inside of the arm to the hand.
Procedure : 2. Cold Affusion
Temperature : 97-100°F. Repeat the procedure using cold water. The cold affusion should be done more quickly than the. warm one.
3. Repeat Warm affusion.
4. Repeat Cold affusion.
5. Wipe off the water with hands. Do not towel dry. Exercise or one hour rest should follow the affusion.

Lumbar Affusion—Increasing Temperature

Indications : Acute lumbago, sciatica, spinal musculature tension.
Contraindications : Acute low back disorders.
Effects : Hyperaemia, increases blood flow, relaxes lower back muscles, reduces lower back spasm, reduces tension in the abdominal and pelvic region.
Equipment : Shower hose, comfortable chair.
Procedure : Client sits on a chair or on the side of a tub. Start hosing the lower back. The water temperature should start at 93°F and gradually be increased to 109°F. The treatment is finished when the skin is noticeably red. Dry with a towel. Following lumbar affusion with one hour of rest is recommended.

Neck Affusion—Increasing Temperarture

Indications : Cervical muscle tension, migraine headaches.
Contraindications : Glaucoma, high blood pressure, cardiac insufficiency.
Effects : Muscular relaxation, increased blood circulation.
Equipment : Shower hose.
Procedure: Upper body is bent over the affusion rack. Water runs over the neck and down the left and right shoulders. The temperature should start at 93°F and be increased gradually to 109°F. The treatment is finished when the skin is noticeably red. Dry with a towel. Following neck affusion with one hour of rest is recommended.


Scotch Hose Shower Blitz Jet Affusion

Affusions under pressure have a strong mechanical effect along with the thermal effect. They are administered from a hose with a nozzle, which narrows the stream of water to about five millimetres. The allusion under pressure is administered from a distance of three metres. The temperature is usually cold, as for simple affusion, but it can also be hot or alternately cold and hot.

Kneipp affusions are an excellent vascular exercise for the athlete, and they also help produce a general toughening and reviving effect on the entire body. The influence of the cold water—50° to 59°F—creates a hyperaemia. Cold affusions are particularly effective following extreme exertions, especially in warm weather with accompanying heat buildup. They are ffective both in the breaks between individual events in sports involving several separate competitons and during endurance events.

As an approximate guide to the pressure force, hold the nozzle of the hose horizontally thirty inches above the floor. The stream of water should hit the floor about eighteen feet away.

Scotch Hose Shower Blitz Jet Affusion – Hot Temperature

Indications : Arthritis in non-inflammatory stage, chronic lumbago, muscular tension, irregular menstrual cycle, mild blood circulation problems.
Contraindictions : Nervosity, varicose veins, inelasticity of the skin, heart or blood circulation problems, any inflammation.
Effects : Increases metabolic rate, improves the immune system.
Equipment : Hose with jet nozzle. Procedure :
Temperature : 104-113°F. The treatment begins with a temperature spray, produced by pressing the fingertips into the jet at the nozzle. The treatment lasts for two to three minutes and is concluded with a full body spray at a moderate temperature.

The Five B’s to Stress Reduction

1. Bath, herbal – 10 minutes
2. Blitz-jet affusion, hot temperature – 2-3 minutes
3. Bath, herbal – 5 minutes
4. Blitz-jet affusion, hot temperature – 2-3 minutes
5. Bed rest 1 hour Duration : Total treatment time approximately two hours.

Procedure : The blitz-jet affusion and herbal bath routine has the following sequence :

Assist client into a 97°F herbal bath (pine needle, hay flower). After ten minutes, follow with a hot blitz-jet affusion lasting two to three minutes. Follow with a second hot herbal bath for five minutes. Follow with another two to three minute hot blitz-jet affusion. The body temperature is reduced with a moderate temperature spray shower. Finish with an hour of bed rest.

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