Headache is one of the most common ailments among human beings. Headaches are caused due to many reasons – head injury, eye strain, fever, sinus infection, or allergic reaction, etc. Some of the headaches are mild, some are severe. There are two main kinds of headaches – acute and chronic. Acute headaches occur infrequently for a short time, whereas chronic ones occur frequently and last for few days.
1. Headache due to Constipation
Drink three parts of green water and one part of white water (up to 200ml) thrice a day before meals on an empty stomach. For people who are obese and have cough, equal amount of green and orange water should be given.
2. Headache due to Heat or Fever
In this type of headache equal amount of blue and green water from 100ml to 200ml should be taken on an empty stomach before meals and 5-6 drops of sun-charged blue coconut oil should be massaged on the scalp gently with the lower part of ones’ palm and continue the same massage on the temple. This will provide relief.
3. Headache due to Cold
In this type of headache thtee doses of orange water should be taken from 50-100ml, ten minutes after taking the meals. The doses should not exceed the prescription because this will cause side effects like excess heat which can be cured by applying 5 to 6 drops of sun-charged green mustard oil on the scalp and massaging it gently with the lower part of ones’ palm. The same should be continued on the temple also. The coolness of the oil will relieve the headache.
4. Headache due to Heat or Gas
According to their health, patients should take equal amounts of green and orange water from 100-150ml. Windy natured patients should take only 50-100 ml of orange water. According to the mindset of the patient the treatment is beneficial in heat and gas problems that causes headache.
5. Headache of Half Side due to the Accumulation of Cough
For the above stated ailment the patient must take 100-200ml of green water on an empty stomach before meals three times a day and drink 40-80 ml of orange water 8-10 minutes after the meals. This water is an excellent tonic. It should be taken for a long time and sun-charged green mustard oil should be gently massaged on the scalp, temple and forehead taking 5-7 drops especially more on the affected parts. In a few days this shall provide relaxation.
6. Headache at the Back of the Head
This is due to cold. Massage sun-charged red oil ol sesame seed behind rhe neck slowly and pass the sunrays through four layers of red cellophane paper on the affected area for 5-7 minutes regularly for a week. Give 100-200ml of green water thrice a day, 20-30 minutes before meals and 40-80ml of orange water ten minutes after meals. This water is a tonic. The regular consumption of this water eliminates the constant headache at the back of the head.
7. Headache due to Normal Weakness
This headache is caused due to general weakness or excess mental work. According to the nature of the patient, sun-charged green mustard oil must be slowly massaged on the patients’ scalp using the lower part of the palm. 100-200ml of green water should be drunk twice a day, half an hour before meals. Green water is a blood purifier that removes the injurious enzymes. Consumption of 40-80ml of orange water helps in digestion.
8. Dizziness
On getting dizzy one must gently massage 5-7 drops of sun-charged blue coconut oil on the scalp, temple and forehead with the lower part of the palm. This process must be done at least 2-3 times a day and one must completely take rest. 2-3 drops of the oil must be put inside the ear also.
9. Headache due to Sunlight
This is due to increase of heat in the body. To cure this 50-60ml of blue water should be taken four times a day and twice a day the scalp should be massaged slowly with 7-8 drops of sun-charged blue coconut oil using the lower part of the palm. This will provide relief.
10. Migraine
For its cure 100-200ml of green water should be taken thrice a day 20 minutes before meals. Take 40-80 ml of orange water 8-10 minutes after meals. This helps in the digestion of food and the development of red blood corpuscles. The scalp and the temple should be massaged 2-3 times a day with 5-7 drops of sun-charged blue coconut oil using the lower part of the palm for 10-15 minutes. In the morning and evening one hour after meals put a piece of cloth wetted with blue water on the stomach for relief.