Modern Medicine: Treatment for Flatulent Colic/Gas/Wind

When too much of wind producing eatables are ingested but the food remains stuck up in intestines, it gives rise to accumulation of gas/wind in the stomach, due to which the abdomen bloates and there is a gurgling sound. In majority of cases, there is also pain, restivity, sweating, uneasiness, unfructuous desire to visit the closet to pass stools – when neither stool nor wind gets expelled. I have taken up all the factors together because there is hardly any difference in symptoms, causes and complaints. The fact of the matter is that winds gets locked up, abdomen bloates, wind/gas does not pass and if such a situation lasts longer, there may be pain (colic) in the abdomen.

The root cause of all such disorders is overeating but, in other cases, when food is not taken for a longer period, even then there is accumulation of wind which, if not expelled, causes pain. The latter variety of Colic yields when food is eaten in moderate quantity. The next cause of such complaints is constipation but all the symptoms subside as soon stools are passed and wind gets discharged. If the pain lasts even after passage of wind and stools, it must not be taken lightly and got treated by a doctor. All said and done, all pains in the abdomen must not always be attributed to constipation and locking up of wind.

Colic is rather a confusing term which is also caused by various nomeclations viz Renal colic, Intestinal colic, Bilary colic, Gallstone colic, Flatulent colic, etc. – here the name of the disorder points to the involvement of a particular organ being at fault. Hence, when treating case of a colic, always try to find out which of the organs in alimentary tract is at fault – once the organic cause has been properly discerned, there is not likely to be any difficulty in treating the agonizing disease and its symptoms.

If wind fails to pass through downwards, it may travel upwards and, thus, exert pressure on the heart region which condition is misconstrued as an Angina pectoris (pain in the heart region) but symptoms are so variable in both the conditions that there is hardly any occasion not to distinguish between the symptoms.


For Colic and Flatulence

(i) First of all take two tablets of Digene/Diovol and suck or crush them in mouth, taking some water to push the medicine down the gullet. Repeat after 2-3 hours.

(ii) If no relief follows and pain is severe, take a capsule of Spasmo Proxy von, 6-8 hourly. Do not use in colic of in fants, children, pregnant, lactating ladies, elderly and those having hepatic problems or Tablet Sudhinol tablet 3-4 times. (Caution is as indicated above) or Tab Tidigesic/Torolac/ Walgesic/wygesic-one tablet 6 hourly.

Note : Above-mentioned medicines can also be tried in Renal colic-dosage, frequency and cautions remaining the same. For further information read relevant literatures or consult your doctor. If pain and flatulence are caused by constipation, take a mild laxative or suitable drugs as suggested under ‘consitpation’ earlier. In any case do not ever exceed the stated dose nor/get panicky, rather wait patiently for some time, enabling the ingested medicine to act. In severe and acute case, take an injection (3 ml) of voveron which is now freely used for all types of pains, including arthritis, menstrual pains etc.

For small children and infants use only paedriatic preparations only and never any adult dose.

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