Other Anti bacterial and Sulphanomides
(a) Co. Tremoxazole
(b) Trimethroprun
(c) Tincdazole
(d) Metroincdazole
(e) Neladaxin Acid
Note:- Do not use or use with unmost Caution in epeleptic patients and those having epeleptic tendancy in renal or hepatic impairment, pregnancy, during lactation, in adolescents and children. These drugs may induce Convulsions in patients, with without a history of Convulsions which may also be induced of NSAJDS are also taken concurrently.
(f) Ciprofloxin
(g) Pefloxacin
(h) Sparfloxacin
(i) Sulphamoxole
(j) Ofiocacin
(h) Antiturbercular Drugs
(a) Rifainpicin
(b) Isomazed
(c) Eltharbutol
(d) Pyrazinamide
(e) Capreomycin
(f) Streptomycin
Note: Anti-tubercular drugs should be continued as per the duration suggested by a physican and if the suggested treatment is left mid way without completing the course for a specific duration the patient has to begin entire treatment and its course.
Thank you for the informative articles.
Kindly explain how antibiotics are combined. When to combine and when not to combine.
Thank you.