Light Circle
Have particulars of persons who need healing (name, age, location, disease), before starting the meditation.
• Sit straight and relax.
• Hold hands in a circle, left hand shows up and right hand shows down.
• Sit comfortably.
• Breathe deeply 3 times and relax.
• Imagine a ray of bright light coming from above and flowing through your Crown chakra into your body.
• Fill your body with this light.
• Let the energy flow in your circle.
• Take it with your left hand, let it stream through your body and give it to your neighbour on the right.
• Now open your Heart chakra and let the light flow out into the middle and fill your circle with this light.
• Fill this room with this light.
• Fill this whole house/building with this bright white light.
• Fill this city with this light.
• Fill our whole country with this light.
• Fill our planet Earth with this light, love and peace.
• We send light, love, peace & Reiki to (city or country), and see the people living together in peace and love.
Repeat the following for all Names in the list.
• We send light, love, healing and Reiki to (Name of the 1st person in the list) and see him/her totally healthy and joyful.
• Repeat after me (Name of the person) is healed.
Chakra Balancing
• For 30 days give full body treatment to yourself (all 24 points). For each point give 3 minutes. This can be done in two or three sittings.
• If you can continue full body treatment for long, that is much better. If you cannot do full body then do Chakra Balancing as follows:
– One palm on back of the forehead, the other palm on the Root Chakra (Mooladhura Chakra).
– Next, after 6/9 minutes, move the upper palm to front part of the forehead, lower palm from Muladhara area to navel area/Hara Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra).
– Next, after 6/9 minutes, move lower palm from navel area to Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra).
– Next, after 6/9 minutes, move lower palm from solar plexus area to Heart Chakra (Analiata Chakra).
– Next, after 6/9 minutes, move lower palm to neck area/Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra).
– So, in 30/45 minutes, the forehead gets energy and other 5 chakras get energy for 6/9 minutes each.