Music Therapy: Vowels and Energy

There are many vowel sounds in the human language, For toning we begin by focusing on several principal sounds. Remember, this is not a list of universal truths, just some traditional suggestions.

Possible Vowel Attributes or Related Perceptions:

UU (“who”) grounding, calming, relaxing, awareness of physicality, gives sensation of depth, base of spine;
OH (“go”) conscious self-image, identity issues, self-confidence, individuality, solar plexus;
AH (“car”) centering, expanding, pleasant heartfelt emotions, gives sensation of breadth, heart area;
EY (“pray”) self-expression, communication, listening, throat and neck;
EE (“knee”) energizing, awakening, mental and physical stamina, gives sensation of length, head;
MM (humming, lips closed) balancing, harmonizing and integrating, the subtlest and most powerful sounds.

Examples of vowel combinations for balancing and centering (to be vocalized as one continuous full-breath tone exhalation):

UU-AH-EE-MM: Balance and energize. Morning wake-up.

MM-EE-AH-UU: Balance and relax. Before bedtime.

This is a list of just a few traditional suggestions. Your own awareness and experience may be quite different. These are just starting points. There is no “normal” toning experience, only “your” experience! With practice, your inner wisdom will guide you and tell you what vowels you need.

Toning engages your entire being, not just your voice. Whatever specific vowel you may be toning, open your awareness to all physical or energetic sensations, without judgement or analysis. Listen to the vibrations with your whole body, and don’t just “hear” with your ears. For example, place the palms of your hands at various places on your body as you tone and allow your hands to feel the sound vibrations.

Enhance your toning with different postures and movements. Whole body involvement deepens and enriches the toning experience. Explore different positions and movements while toning, such as:

Sit on the floor or in a chair;
With your spine expanded vertically stand, either motionless or using intuitive movements of any kind (expansive arm motions are particularly balancing);
Lie quietly on your back with your hands at your sides, experiment with eyes closed or open, focused or gazing softly;
Tone while walking, working, driving, doing everyday tasks;
Make intuitive, expressive tones while doing Yoga or Tai Chi, express the tone in movement and express the movement in tone.

Let your inner self respond, free from outer expectations. While toning, pay attention to yourself and be open to everything the vibrations may be awakening in you. What is the effect of the tone? Is it soothing? Agitating? Balancing? Focus on the here and now. Open your awareness, and let your intuition guide you to insight.

It is very natural to experience physical sensations or emotions while toning, and it may not always be pleasant. At times you may feel boredom, anger, or any other emotion, positive or negative. Similar experiences are also well known in meditation, Yoga, or any contemplative activity! Know that these feelings are natural, and that they will pass. Don’t analyze the feelings or judge yourself for having them. Persevere with open heart and mind, and you will begin to see results, sometimes subtle and sometimes surprising and amazing!

Honor your uniqueness. You are a very complex and utterly unique bio-chemical, electro-magnetic, and spiritual being. No two people experience toning in exactly the same way. Honor and trust your own experience. Experiment, and seek tones which work for you. Allow your voice and tone to bring you into the present moment, and towards sell awareness!

The physical guidelines for toning are very simple:

Do not tone for more than 20 minutes at any one time.
A little bit goes a long way. It’s often more beneficial to tone more frequently for shorter periods.
Relax, especially the tongue and jaw.
Maintain a comfortable and moderate loudness, don’t force your voice.
Be always mindful of healthy posture and deep, full breathing.
Yawn, stretch, swallow, and move occasionally to release mouth and neck tension.
Have water and some tissue handy; the energy and physical activity of toning can make your throat dry, or produce excess saliva and mucous. This is harmless.
If you feel tension or discomfort in your mouth or throat, stop for a few moments, breathe, stretch, yawn, and resume. Sip water.
Do not force your voice. Stop whenever you need to. You do not have to endure physical or vocal strain.


Remember that learning any art takes time, patience, and regular practice. It’s more beneficial to tone daily, even for a few minutes, than to tone only infrequently for longer periods. With regular daily practice your body and mind will quickly learn to respond to the tone and vibrations.

Toning is not “singing” and there’s no aesthetic judgment involved. The sound you make does not have to be pretty; the point of toning is not the quality of the sound but your experience of the vibration and its results. Listen with your whole being, and be open to the total effect of the sound. Link your voice, breath, and awareness together to enhance your appreciation of your own true power in life.

Remember, there’s no “right” way or “wrong” way to tone – only your way! Your natural wisdom and intuition will guide you. Your sound is unique, and the experience is uniquely yours!

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