Juice Therapy: Recommended Juices for Treating Overweight/Obesity/Corpulence/Extra Fat, Prostate Enlargement, Osteoporosis, Sore Throat and Tonsillitis

Overweight/Obesity/Corpulence/Extra Fat:

Dieticians and physicians have prescribed normal weight—according to sex, W and height of an individual—and also calories needed to meet physical needs of body, keeping in view amount of labour put in by a arson. But every person has own life-style, eating pattern and habits, financial limitations, stresses and strains of modern (so-called) arid fast life. Truly speaking, overeating, fatty food, lack of exercise, sedentary life style, excessive use of carbohydrates, meat and alcohol are said to be contributory factors for causing obesity.

Heredity is also one of the causes, apart from tendencies to fatness. It has been observed that an individual may get obese, despite being a moderate eater. It is better to consult your dietician or physician instead of yielding to publicized ‘weight-reducing’ combinations of certain drugs. If not controlled, you will, for sure, be falling a prey to hypertension, cardiac problems including coronary heart disease, arterio-sclerosis, respiratory problems, including dyspnoea, joint pains and swelling. For guidelines, read Bob Schwatz’s book: ‘Diets Don’t Work’, and ‘Guide to Good Food’ by Nikki and David Goldbeck.

Tart apple, cucumber, carrot, parsley, tomato, kale and collard leaf, celery, broccoli flowers are all useful, in reducing fat. Low-sugar can be obtained from juice of collard green, spinach and kale, tomato, cabbage and blueberry can give bioflavonoids, zinc from garlic and parsley. Pineapple and ginger juices are anti-inflammatory agents, supplied by nature. /

Prostate Enlargement:

It (Prostate) is chestnut-sized sex gland of the male which is situated near neck of bladder and engulfs toe male urethra—through which (urethra) male sperm and urine flaw. Milky white fluid, secreted by the prostate, is a carrier and protector of sperm. Benign prostate, hypertrophy of the prostate gland often occurs in males over forty-years of age, resulting in invasion of urethera which, in turn, causes decreased urinary flow, hesitancy, frequent and ineffectual urgings to urinate, retarded urinary flow and use of much force to ease out urine, even if expelled by drops.

The complaint should always be attended to without delay, or else entire flow of urine may be retarded and completely stopped. In such a situation, the prostate gland enlarges to such an extent that—the urethra is fully masked and impeded by the enlarged gland, causing also swelling and too severe pail in and around urethra, bladder and pubic region. It is believed that/disturbed hormonal levels are usual causes of this disorder. Hot tub bath may be of; immense relief and benefit.

Avoid beer, toxins and irritants. Do not take anything which is capable of precipitating symptoms. Take plenty of liquids, bland semisolid, unfried, spices-free diet. Control senim cholesterol levels and restore to normalcy. Take fibre-enriched diet which should also contain minerals, vitamins, diureties and urine cleansing agents, anti-inflammatory eatables. Always take whole-food diet. Addition of pumpkins seeds, pumpkin, split peas, wholesome grains, beans. Take plenty of carrot, ginger, parsley, turnip, kale and spinach juices to secure intake of vitamin B-6 and zinc. Avoid all spirituous liquors, oral use of tobacco. Remove and get rid of constipation. Take plenty of oral fluids.


Losing gradually mass of bones, thinning of bone-tissue, appearance of (small) holes in the bone is called osteoporosis, from which disease symptoms of pain in back and hips and spinal curvature result. In general, this disorder is attributed to deficiency of calcium. But calcium does not constitute the bone, there are other factors also, as deficiency of estragen and lack of exercise. Calcium content can’t work signally, but has to be coupled and aided by other disciplines of cure.

Walking, as is well known, is a weight bearing exercise and, as such, its significance can’t be. It is of utmost and prime necessity to preserve calcium-balance but this balance (of calcium with other elements) is adversely affected by smoking factor. Even overuse of steroids, thyroid derivatives, ‘Tetracyline can also cause calcium-deficiency, in addition to smoking factor. Use of antacids will also adversely affect absorption of calcium. In common parlance, milk (which contains calcium) should not to be followed by antacids.

Avoid soft drinks, use of common table salt, caffein, coffee, eating of meat, alcoholic drinks and, above all, totally avoid other prohibited things. As for use of juice, take juice of kale, lettuce, cabbage, green turnip, blackberry, parsley, blueberry, red grape, collord greens which will supply essential elements like magnesium, calcium, boron, vitamin ‘K’ etc. in enough qnantity or, at least, to meet requirements of diseased body.

Sore Throat And Tonsillitis:

There are two glands, one on either side of the throat, which get inflammed due to infections, deficiency of minerals, vitamins but exposure caused by too cold or too hot food, smoking, due to some foods which act as local irritants are also other causes of tonsillitis and soreness of throat. Both the disorders co-exist or precede or follow each other. Chronic tonsillitis may also precipitate heart problems, due to the fact that tonsils excrete toxins which mix up with blood stream to cause various cardiac problems.

Hence, make sure that there is no recurrence of inflammation of tonsils. Juice of orange, lemon, garlic and lime will prove to be a long and short term remedy. Juice of garlic mixed with honey may be locally applied in sore-throat and inflammed tonsils. Avoid all too hot or too cold eatables and drinks, use of irritants, smoking, spices, pungent tilings which trigger off sore throat conditions.

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