Juice Therapy: Classification of Ailments

What is an Ailment? Heart, kidneys, Brain, Liver and lungs are the major organs with each one of which rest of the body-organs function, and are also motivated, guided and activated to act.- Blood is the life-line of all living beings. According to ayurveda kapha (Phlegm), Vata (Air, Wind), Pitta (Bile) are basic constituents and causative factors for giving rise to physical disorders which appear only when there is a proportionate imbalance in the said three carriers.

Ayurveda also believes that any obstruction caused to natural flow of secretions or when secretions are not allowed to excrete, many diseases ensue. This therapy is the nearest to juice therapy because in most of its products, extracts, juices and powdered forms of herbs, tree and their leaves, roots, barks; vegetable and fruits are freely used in its preparations. Naturopathy is also not far away from juice therapy—though there is a negligible variation in approach.

In Homeopathy, extracts of plants, herbs, trees, fruits and vegetables and their relevant attachments are used as vehicles for curing various diseases, though their use is limited to certain specific disorders. Homeopathy is based on arousing the dormant powers of body which are vitiated by over-drugging, thus preparing the in-built auto-immuno system of body to fight out the monster of a disease. Further, when phagocytes are insufficient to respond to body’s need to fight disease, homeo drugs assist the body to regain its strength and dispel the ailment causing agent or a foreign body.

Juice therapy is no therapy like other conventional therapies; it is simply a way to help the body to repair its diseased metabolic system, provide succour to weak organs, restore general well-being and health and, thus, help the patient to fight it out and cause repulsion of all or most of foreign bodies. It is a corrective, nutritive, harmless (almost), palatable, easy to digest, suiting all age-groups and, sexes and above all a cost-effective device, leaving behind none or very negligible side-effects.

Further, it is equally useful in healthy and disordered states. Since nature is so benevolent that it grows on earth only such vegetations which are needed to meet needs of all regions and all persons. Hence, one should always cultivate habit of adhering to regional dietary patterns.

Since, in the following articles, names of disease would often be referred to, while dealing with medicinal and curative aspects of each vegetation (which will include green vegetables and ripe fruits), it has been thought fit that readers should be acquainted with names of such major organs (or group of organs) with which most of the diseases are attached, with meanings wherever thought necessary.

BRAIN AND SENSORIUM (Often referred to as Mind)

Forgetfulness, Behavioural disorders of children and adults and the aged, Apathy (indifference), Avarice (temptation), Aversion (dislike), Brain Fag (prostration of mind), Catalepsy, Delirium, Dementia, Nostalgia, Hypochondriasis, Hysteria, Insanity, Mania, Melancholia (sadness), Propensities (bad habits), Somnambulism (sleep walking), Startles (easily frightened), Taedium Vitae (disgust of life).


Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hemiplegia (one-sided numbness of body, partial paralysis), Paraplegia (paralysis of whole body). Insomnia (Sleeplessness), nightmare (incubus), Catnap sleep (restless sleep), Adynamia (general weakness, debility), Inebriety (alcoholism), Convulsions, Phagocytes (deficient reaction or total lack thereof), Mal-De-Mer (seasickness), Neurasthenia (nervous weakness), Neuritis (Inflammation of nerves), Neuralgis (Pain in nerve), Sciatica, Hyperesthesia (Acute sensitivity), Meningitis, Locomotor Ataxia (disordered gait),


Seborrhea (Dandruff), Alopecia (Baldness), Vertigo, Migraine (Headache of one half), Hydrocephalus.


Conjunctivitis, Opacities (masked vision), Ophthalmia, Glaucoma, Lachrymation (water discharge from eyes), Amauroris (blindness) Amblyopia (weak/blurred vision), Asthenopia (eye-strain), Diplopia (double vision) Myopea (near sightedness), Hypermetropea (far-Sightedness), Vitreous Opacities (diffusion of glass), Strabismus (squinting).


Mastoids (mumps), Otalgia (pain in ears), Otitis (inflammation of the ear), Tannitus Aurium (noises in ear).


Acne (pimples on nose), Epistaxis (bleeding), Rhinosclerma (hardness), Rhinitis (inflammation), Coryza (stuffy nose or running from nose) Ozaena (Nasal ulcertain and discharge), Anosmia (lost or perverted smell), Parasmia (illusions of smell), Smuritis (inflammation of sinus) Sternutation (sneezing).


Puffiness (swelling), cyanosis (blue or livid spots), Hippocratic face (sinken, sikly or deathly look). Acne Rosacea (rose coloured eruptions on face), Pustules (pus-filled eruptions). Trismus/Lock-Jaw (stiffness of Jaws) Risus Sardonicus (distortion of facial muscles), Bell’s Palsy (paralysis of face); Prosopalgia a (face-ache), Tic-Douloureax (violent pain of the face).


Fetororis (offensive breath), Buccal cavity infection (infection or inner mouth), Stomatitis (inflammation), Patyalism (excessive saliva), Pyorrhoea, Scorbutic Tongue (soft, spongy and receding tongue).


Glossitis (inflammatory eruptions on tongue), Protrusion (outward movement).


Fistula Dentalis (fistula of teeth), Odontalgia (tooth-ache).


Diphtheria, Oesophagitis (inflammation of the gullet— passage from pharynx to the stomach), Esophagismus (spasm of oesophagus) (space at back of the mouth—inflammation of), Dysphagia (difficult and painful swallowing) Hemming (hawking—to clear the throat), Tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils).


Anorexia (lost or perverted appetite), Pica (perverted cravings), Singultus (hiccough or hiccup), Dyspepsia (indigestion), Acidity, Bradypepsia (weaks) slow digestion) Gastritis, qualmishness (nausea), Gastrodynia (pain due to gas formation), vomiting.


Appendicitis, Colic pain, flatulence (gas formation), Cholena, Constipation, Diaphragmitis (inflammation of diaphragm), Diarrhoea (ententes), Dysentry, Choliliatheasis (belliar calculus). Jaundice, Cirrhosis (cancer), Worm infections.


– Cystitis (inflammation of bladder), Enuresis (bed-wetting incontinence), Nephroptsosis (floating kidney), Nephritis (inflammation of kidney), Renal Colic (pain in kidney regions), Pyelitis (inflammation of Pelvis), urethritus (inflammation of urethra), Diabetes Mellitus (sugar-loaded urine), Diabetes Insipidous (excessive urinary discharge), Dysuria (painful urination), Involuntary urination (automatic flowing of urine), Ischuria (retention of urine), Anuria (suppressed urine); Stangury (urination after much effort), Albuminurea (albumen in urine), Haematurea (bloody urine), Oxaluria (oxalates of calcium in urine); Phosphaturia (presence of phosphates in urine), Pyuria (Pus in urine).


Impotence, Masturbation, Balanitis (inflammation of prepuce), Prostatitis (Inflammation of prostate), Hydrocele (watery accumulation in testicles), Satyriasis (excessive of testicles), Testalgia (pain in testicles).


Conception-difficult; Diminished or lost sexual desire; Nympho-mania (excessive sexual desire), Leucorrhea (discharge of white or other taints from Vagina); Mystodynia (pain in the breasts), Catamania (menses, Menstrual flow), Menopause (permanent stoppage of menses), Menorrhagia (profuse or premature flow of blood), parturition (labor), Puerperium (lying-in-period), Agalactia (absent, tardyorscantymilkflow), Haemorrhagia (bleeding from vagina or other organs), Vagintis (inflammation of vagina), Vulvitis (inflammation of vulva), Pruritis (itching).


Apoplexy (rupture of artery) Areterio-Sclerosis (hardening of arteries), Cyanosis (blueness), Dyspnoea (breathlessness or laboured breathing), Endocarditis (inflammation of endocardium), Myocarditis (inflammation of myocardium), Pericarditis (inflammation of pericardium), Angina Pectoris (pain in chest on left side, below left nipple), pseudo Angina Pectoris (false pain in heart region), Tachycardia (rapid palpitation), Brakycardia (slow pulse), syncope (fainting), phlebitis (inflammation of veins), Vericose veins (tangled veins).


Opisthotonos (back-bent like an arch), Scolliosis (curvature of back), Coxalgia (pain in tail-bone), Lumbago (back-pain), Arthritis (Inflammation of joints), Gout (inflammation of small joints due to excess of uric acid), synovitis (inflammation of synovium), Bursitis (inflammation of knee joints or housemaid’s knee) Arthritis Deformans (deformity of inflamed joints), Myalgia (pain in muscles)


Asthma, Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma, Pleurodynia (pain in pleura) Cough, Catarrhal cough (discharge of thick and sticky phlegm on coughing) Hawking cough (barking cough), Pthisical cough (cough of tubercular origin), pertussis (whooping cough), Expectoration (discharge of mucous through coughing) Laryngitis (inflammation of voice box), Aphonia (hoarse voice), Aphasia (total loss of voice), Pharyngitis (Inflammation of Pharynx), Haemoptysis (bleeding from lungs), Pthisis Pulmonalis (tuberculosis), Apnoea (arrested respiration), Dyspnoea (oppressed, anxious, difficult breathing).


Acne Rosaoea (red pimples), Actinomycosis (lumpy tumours in/ on cheeks), Alopecia (baldness), Anidrosis (dry skin, deficient sweat) Bromidrosis (offensive sweat), Hyperidrosis (excessive sweat), Callosities (corns), Chilblains (inflammatory swelling of figures, toes or feets due to cold), chloasma (moth patches, liver spots), Cicatrices (scars left behind, after an injury), Comedo (blackheads), Decubitis (bed-sores), Dermatalgia (sore or painful skin); Eccymoses (extravasation of blood), Eczema, Elephantitis (puffing of feet like that of an elephant’s), Ephelis (skin burn), Epithelioma (malignant cancerous growth) Exysipelas (extreme redness of skin—inflammatory skin disease); Erythema (abnormally red skin, chafing, invertigo); Furuncle (Boil), Gangrene (death of an organ, as in diabetes), Herpes (tetter), Herpes zoaster (bow-shaped tetter), Ichthyosis (fish-skin disease), lentigo (freckles, round spots); Pursuis (itching of skin), Psoriasis (a disfiguring skin infection); Purpura (bleeding under skin and other tissues), Roseola (rose-rash), Scleroderma (hidebound Skin), Psychosis (barber’s itch), Trichophytosis (ringworm), Urticaria (hives/nettle rash or scaly/raised eruptions on skin, with much itching), Verruca (warts), Whitlow (felon).

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