Diagnosis of a disease using Ayurvedic methods consists of following details. The two main pillars on which the diagnosis is based are: History of illness, and Examination of the patient.
This refers to the following details:
a) Details of the symptoms i.e. how, when where they occur, duration of medicines taken, relieving and aggravating factors etc.
b) Past history of similar illness, medicines taken, surgery undergone etc.
c) Personal history i.e. marriage, sexual life, family, occupational history, diet, sleep, bowel movements, smoking, alcohol intake, living conditions, financial status, social life and mental status.
d) Family history of similar symptoms/illness and treatment taken.
Examination of the patient is done in two steps. First is the general examination and second is the examination of the different systems of the body.
a) General examination or ashta vidha pariksha: This consists of the following parameters: Examination of the pulse (Naadi Pariksha), Tongue, Urine and stool examination, Speech, Examination by palpation and percussion, Gait (bodily movement), General appearance of the patient, and, Examination of the constitution (Prakriti).
b) Systemic examination: This consists of examination of the following systems: Digestive system, Respiratory system, Heart and Circulatory system, Nervous system, Urinary system, Musculo-skeletal system, Reproductive system, Skin and Hair, and Eyes. Let us know about some important Ayurvedic diagnostic methods. Beyond your cells, tissues and organs,there is abundance of activity you arnot aware of!
It forms complex patterns and is important to your existence and can be perceived through the sense of touch. It is your Naadi or the pulse! If any Ayurvedic doctor, just by touching your wrist, reels off about your chronic pain or abnormalities in blood sugar and digestion or heart murmurs or kidney failure or peptic Ulcer… all without prior knowledge, do not attribute any extra-sensory perception or occult power to him. It is just an interpretation of a profound theory, the naadi tatvam.