In general, the flowers arrest pain, destroy worms, cure the skin diseases and promote menstrual flow.
After Labour Pain: Flowers are ground and applied over the head or the stomach to relieve the pains at the head or the stomach following delivery.
Menstrual Irregularities: The juice of flowers is given regularly upto six mashas in dosage to be licked along with honey.
Skin Afflictions: The flowers are ground and applied over the regions concerned in such diseases as boils, eruptions, non-healing wounds and ulcers. A thick paste or kalka of the ground up flowers is applied in sufficient quantity for curing the itches and eczema of the head and to destroy the lice, their eggs and ticks harbouring in the hairs of the head.
A regular use of the flower juice over the head prevents the formation of boils and eruptions, hardening of the hart base and dandruff. This keep the whole scalp healthy.